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Recap: Suraj worked together with Vishal and Ajay. They could catch Karan.

Ajay saw Suraj, "Mr. Rajvanshi what about Vishal he has committed a crime?" the questions was justified from Ajay, but Suraj refuses it. "Inspector his sister is like mine I know her since her childhood and that is one of the reason I forgive him and beat up that bustard!" Suraj anger hasn't calmed down yet.

The media had surrounded the company of Mr. Mehta, they didn't got informed by Suraj. No, Karan thought he would defame Suraj and will be the No. 1 again.

All wrong Mr. Mehta come and spoke to the media and cleaned the accusations on Suraj, he also said that Karan had stolen the project and entered it as his, which is a big crime and he has lost his reputation in the business field.

Suraj come out with the inspector he doesn't wanted to give an interview, he just wanted to go home to the one who could understand him the best. But to his surprise she was there.

"Suraj!" She was shouting his name and waving with her hands that everyone could see her.

Suraj shook his head. What is she doing here? I wanted to love her at home and she will definitely love me here in public.

Chakor pushes the half reporters away, "move yaar he is waiting for me!" she keeps saying it and reached her Suraj and hugs him tightly.

Chakor looked up at him, "Wah wah Suraj I'm so proud of you, finally this ass is gone and will rot behind the bars!" She kisses his cheek and made him blush.

"You won't changes?" He said to her and shook her head, "Suraj if I would change would you still love me?" She openly asked him waiting for an answer.

Suraj pouts. Public main I love you keh ke hi choregi {She won't leave me until I would publicly said I love you}.

He took a deep breath, "Chakor it's nothing like that even then I would love you!" She hugs him knowing how difficult it was for him to confess, "Okay now move all of you! We have to go home my hero needs his healthy meal!" She kisses his cheek and made her way home with him.

Chakor hold his arm, "Ouch!" He shouts feeling the pain. Chakor got confused and scared at the same time, "Suraj what happened to you? Who has done this?" She turns to Ajay, "you what kind of Inspector are you can't you save my man?" She was fuming even more and started to curse him.

Suraj pushes her toward him and she collided with his chest, "Suraj I haven't finished yet! I will show him his duty, which he hasn't fulfilled!" She was looking here and there and all followed her gaze. Suraj come to Ajay, "Uhm can I have your police stick?" Ajay was confused about his request, but he didn't thought long, "here take it!" He gave it to Suraj and he gave it to Chakor.

Chakor looked at him with widen eyes, "You know me the best! I love you! And you!" She looked at Ajay, who wasn't sure what was going on and got beaten up by her.

"Chakor don't forget him," he points on Karan, who was standing there in front of the media in handcuffs. "Correct Suraj, I won't leave him!"

Chakor starts to beat him too and no one stopped her as no one wants to get beaten up by her.

Ajay glares at Suraj, "You have fooled me!" Suraj shook his head, "No, that is not true! I haven't fooled anyone just made her beat her up someone. Don't forget he tried to defame her and me and even the sister of Vishal. He is just getting what he deserves by a woman's hand!" He was proud of his to be wife, who had finally convinced him to marry her as soon as possible as he could be the next to be beaten up like this.

After everything has settled down Suraj got his first major project and his work was appreciated by everyone.

"Suraj you promised me to take me along with you, you are a liar! I hate you!" She was continuously shouting and being the HUSBAND of Chakor has proved him to be the best man, who can handle a mad Chakor and a floating business.

"Chakor clam down we aren't going anywhere you mad one they are coming to us! The party is going to take place here!" He reminds her and she pouts, "Suraj since I'm pregnant I have no idea what is going on around me. This baby is taking a lot of my attention!" She tries to blame the unborn child, who is growing in her.

Suraj kisses her forehead, "it's okay my cutie wife! Let's go!" He took her hand and they all celebrated their 2nd wedding anniversary.

Suraj was waiting impatiently in front of the OT. Oh God please make her strong wait her no me! Please make me strong to bear her taunts and accusations and punches.

Vivaan and Tina come to him, "Bhai pray as much as you want, but you know she will kill you!" Suraj looked at him in anger, "she wanted to marry me so fast, even I'm just a man and could hold myself back anymore. Besides she dragged me into it!"

The nurse come out, "who is the father?" They All pointed on Suraj, "me!" He lifts hand.
"Congratulations you are the father of a double pack!"

They all were numb and Suraj was allowed to meet them. "Chakor?" He slowly comes near her and she smiles at him.

"Suraj Look this is your Jerry and that is my Tom. Raj and Surya!"

Suraj blinks with his eyes, "boys?"

Chakor nods, "Haan I know you wanted a girl and I thought maybe one of them would be a girl, but both boys!" She was smiling at him and her glow was shining even more than usually.

"Chakor!" He rushes to her and hugs her tight, "I love you three!"

Chakor smiles, "Haan we too Love you, look I can speak baby language and I can tell you we do love you!"

Suraj kisses her and all was like a dream. For her and a nightmare for him...

As he has become the mother and father as Chakor loves her freedom and pranks and the only she loves truly is Suraj...

Suraj knows it from beginning had no problem with it...
Happy End

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