Chapter nine

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Recap; ViKor Birthday. Suraj fear...

Suraj was in the office thinking of Karan who had clearly warned Him.

Karan come to his office a few days back. Suraj thought he come to congrats him but no it all went different.

Karan; Suraj!

Suraj; oh Hi Karan. How r u?!

Karan; fine.

Suraj; y u come?

Karan; well well well. Suraj I got to know that u r engaged now.

Suraj got confused. So?!

Karan; I want her n soon she will be mine. No one wants to have a loser as a life partner. I once cancelled the deal. Trust me I will do it again. Break the engagement n u r save. Ur reputation won't be ruined!

Suraj stood up in anger. What the hell! U come into my cabin to warn me?! Get out!

Karan; haan I'm leaving but trust me. Chakor will be mine!

Suraj; never she loves me only there is no one else for her than me!.

Karan smirks. Trust me! U r no one! I am the one for her! Soon she will leave u by herself n will come to me!

Suraj shook his head. Stop dreaming this will never happen! She is my Jerry! As I'm her Tom! There is no 3rd person between us! U got it.

Karan; Hahahaha Tom n Jerry! It's real life not a cartoon. She will be mine by hook or crock.

Suraj hold his collar. Don't u dare to come closer to her! I will not leave U!.

Karan pushes him away. Mind ur own business. I want her n I will get her. Be ready to lose her!

Karan left n a shocked Suraj was left.

Chakor was playing with TiVaan Ludo.

Chakor; this is so unfair! U both r a team my better half isn't here!

Vivaan; how abt to visit him?!

Tina; Haan that is a gud idea!

Chakor; Wah y didn't I though abt this?!

Vivaan; bcz of we weren't Tom n Jerry like we were like the pinky n the brain.

Tina; uff u r too much!

Chakor; wait r u saying I'm pinky?!

Vivaan; she got it! A big hand please!

Tina laughs with Vivaan n Chakor fumes.

Chakor; u just wait. Let me marry Suraj then u will know who I am! Ur SIL!

She stamps from there.

TiVaan were following her.

Suraj was not in his sense he was still distressed...

Chakor enters his cabin without to knock as usually but this time Suraj bursted out on her.

Chakor shocks. She was near her tears...

Suraj; have u gone mad u can't just enter the room like this?! I could have a client here! I could have an important call! What is wrong with u! Y don't u grow up...!

Chakor lowers her head. Suraj stood up n hugs her tight!!! 

I'm sorry Chakor!!! I'm very sorry please forgive me!!!

Chakor hits him n pushes him away. I hate U.

Suraj; no u don't! U can't I'm ur Suraj ur Tom! He hold her even tighter... like he did on her birthday!

Chakor; Suraj what happen?! Don't hide from me!

Just then TiVaan knocked on the door n enters the cabin.

Chakor wipes her tears away.

Vivaan; Bhai...! Uff Chakor this is too much fake tears fine before my bro kills me. I'm sorry for calling u Pinky!

Suraj; Pinky?!

Tina; Pinky n the Brain!

Suraj laughs. Hahaha...

Chakor cups his face. Stop it tell me!!! Please!

Suraj hold her hands. He kisses them n told them what Karan said.

Vivaan; but y do he wants to do this?! I mean Chakor n u r engaged n in Love! Y to come between u both!

Tina; haan n then too he is trying to blackmail u by warning u to take ur deal away!

Chakor; but Suraj the guy...

Suraj looked at her. What Guy?!

Chakor shook her head. I meant to say the man who gave u the deal praised u! Y would he take it back?! U r na... getting unnecessarily worried on nothing!

Suraj smiles. Haan maybe but Karan is a name in his business field! I'm just a newcomer whereas he has Established himself.

Chakor hugs him tight. Who cares I'm urs only u don't worry n now we will play Ludo n make them lose!

Suraj; what! Ludo?!

Chakor hold his collar. Ludo Now!

Suraj nods. Okay who needs to work?! No one! Come u r the most important person in my life I love U!

Chakor; gud n say to him to call me only Bhabhi! I don't want to be called something else than Bhabhi!

Suraj looked at Vivaan. U got her right?!

Vivaan nods. Haan!

They were playing n SuKor won the game.

TiVaan left but Chakor stayed.

Chakor sat on his lap he was working but she cuddling him. He could handle her when she was close. As he was naughtier than she is...

Chakor kisses his jaw...

Suraj kisses her nose...

Chakor kisses his cheek...

Suraj kisses her forehead...

Both looked at each other...

Chakor forms her lips...

Suraj smirks. He turns with his chair to the wall side n kisses her lips....

Chakor was happy...

Later the night they reached home.

Chakor again told him he is the only one she loves n she will never ever leave him.

Suraj; Chakor!!!

Chakor turns. Haan Suraj?!

Suraj; u swear?!

Chakor comes running to him she hugs him tight another kiss on his lips. Haan Suraj I swear I will never leave u! Tomorrow is the prom! Don't forget to pick me up!

Suraj; na na how can I?!

A gud night kiss n Chakor vanished.

Suraj was in his room both could look into each other's bedroom. Giving each other flying kisses they fall asleep!


Prom with Kabab main Haadi

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