Chapter 13

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Recap: SuKor spent the time together with Vivaan. Vishal a friend of Suraj is spying on Suraj on Karan's behalf.

The police come on Suraj call. "Inspector thank you for your coming!". He shook his hand and was happy as he was a very responsible and honoured man.

"Please Mr

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"Please Mr. Rajvanshi it is my duty to service our civilians!". He said with a smile. "It's Suraj!". He nods. "Ajay Khurana, But you can call me Ajay!". Suraj smile at him.

He looked around and saw Vishal. "So you are the one, who is doing the spying. You know it is a crime and you can get a sentence for 20 years on firm spying!". He was scolding him and was very disappointed. Suraj come in. "Please, it's not like that. Karan has blackmailed him. He is using some private pictures of his sister. Which he wants to publish when he wouldn't have helped him!". Ajay nods. "Cheap bastard!".

Vishal was devastated. "Suraj what if he published the pictures. I have given him the all the files to your project, but he hasn't replied to my message yet!". He broke down and was trying to control his emotion. He was very scared for the reputation of his sister.

Suraj bend down to him. "Vishal please don't think like that, he will answer you and when he does we have him. Please don't lose hope!". Suraj made him comfortable and made him drink some water giving him a glass.

Ajay looked around the cabin. "Suraj you said you have installed cameras in your cabin and even on your laptop just to be sure!". Suraj nods. "Yes, and before that I have called a security firm, who checked the room for any other spyware!". Ajay nods he wanted to know that. "That means he is checking on the files he got. You don't worry we are well aware of it and if he uses your project we have even more cha cars to get him out of your way!". Suraj nods with a smirk. "Yeah, because I have already sent my real project to the client!".

They were waiting of the attack of Karan, who was taking a lot of time. But then all of a sudden Suraj got a call. He checked the caller ID. "Ajay it's the client!". Ajay nods. "Please pick it up and put it on speaker!". Suraj nods and did exactly the way he said it.

"Hello Suraj Rajvanshi speaking!".

"Hello Suraj here is Mr. Sanjeev Mehta speaking I have received your project file. Thank you it is very interesting, but I'm wondering how the same project was sent by Karan Kundra. Could you please explain me?".

Suraj was smirking. "He sent you the files?".

Mr. Mehta took a deep breath. "Yes, would you please explain me how is this possible? I mean you two have the same project identically!". Suraj laughs. "No Sir, not we both have the same project it is only mine. You are right it is identical because he has stolen it from me! I have a probe for it!".

Mr. Mehta fumes. "Do you want to tell me, that Mr. Kundra has cheated on us?". He was shouting in anger.

Suraj tried to calm and explains him everything. "The project is mine completely mine. I have put a code in the files which will show my name! I will come to your office if you don't mind with the police and please could you call Karan saying him that you want to talk about the project with him! And it has to be done personally?". Suraj was praying that Mr. Mehta would say yes.

"Sure you come and I will call him! Don't worry I want to end this one for all! And also get your friend here, no one should defame his sister's reputation!". He was fuming in anger. After all he is a father too.

In the meantime everything was going on like they have planned. Suraj arrived with Ajay and Vishal at the company of Mr. Mehta. After an hour Karan arrived. "Sir, you called me to talk about the project? Didn't you liked it?". Mr. Mehta laughs. "Oh Karan all good, actually very good, but there is something wrong. I got the same file from Suraj Rajvanshi, do you have an explanation how this is possible?". Mr. Mehta was acting according to their plan.

Karan fumes. "Sir, he has sent you the same file, means he is copying me! He is a thief I have to call the police. Thank you for the information I should have known it, that he would do something like this!". Karan took out his mobile phone, but just then Ajay come out of the other room. "Mr. Kundra no need to call the police, when the police is already here!".

Karan was shocked and confused. "You are?". Mr. Mehta come in front. "Karan I called him, he is very good inspector!". Karan nods. Then only Suraj appears. Karan gulps. "Sir, he here?". Mr. Mehta nods. "Yes, after all you both should get an equal chance to prove yourselves!".

Suraj come and shook his head in disbelief. "How could you fall so low!". He said in anger and was about to hold his collar. Karan pushes him away. "You thief stay away!". Karan shouts at Suraj, but Suraj didn't cared. "I'm not a thief like you!".

Karan and Suraj starts to fight with each other, but Ajay hold them back. "Here you are saying that you are innocent and on the other side this man Karan is saying that he isn't the thief. So who is it then and how will we find out, who is telling the truth?". He said a bit confused. Just then Vishal come out. "I will tell you, who is telling the truth and who is telling a lying!".

Karan was shocked. "You? Don't you dare!".


Mr. Mehta has started to slap Karan. "Enough of your lies. How dare you to do this and misbehave with an engaged woman. You are stealing the ideas of other. At least check on the files with they are decoded or not!". He opens the files who had the same decoding showing Suraj name!.

Karan was shocked and Ajay arrested him taking his phone from him and asking him to delete all the pictures he made of Vishal's sister.

Suraj name was clean and he got the project on the other side Karan was arrested. And Vishal could keep his job.


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