Chapter 12

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AmmuAmutha for you

Recap: Suraj confirmed his relationship with Chakor and exposed Karan in front of the media. Now Chakor has challenged Karan openly.

Suraj was in his cabin doing some paper work. Vivaan come with Chakor to disturb him. "Bhai what are you doing?". Suraj looked at them. "What are you both doing here and where is the third one Tina?". ViKor looked at each other. "Why are you interested in her?". Both were angry and looking at him.

Suraj rolls with his chair backwards. "I was just asking she is your girlfriend or not?". Vivaan nods. "Oh okay!". Chakor comes and sat on his lap. "Let me check what you are working on!".

Chakor was readying the file he had opened it. "Suraj is that the file of the project you won against that asshole Karan!". She turns to him. "Yes Chakor, that is the project. And now I want ask you both to leave me alone just for an hour! I will finish the project presentation and then I will be yours only!". Both understood him.

"Take your time! Don't worry no one will disturb you!". ViKor said and went out to the main office where the other employees works. Both took a chair and sat on each side of the door. "No one will disturb Suraj! He has an important work to do!". Chakor warns them all. "If you have any questions then you have... to wait till tomorrow! When he will be available again!". Chakor agreed to Vivaan.

Both were sitting there like guards.

Suraj was completing the work he made a copy for himself and send the file to his project giver. Suraj stood up and come out. "Okay it's party time!". Suraj smiles at them. "Work is done!". The two jumped up of their chairs. "Really?". They shout simultaneous.

Suraj closed his ears. "Yes really!". He closed his cabin door and left with them. Unknown of the fact that at his company there is someone working for Karan. But Suraj is not stupid he don't trust anyone and made the copy for his safety and sent it in advance to the client.

Chakor was sitting next to Suraj her head was leaning on his shoulder. "Bhai you two look adorable together! Why don't you marry earlier?". Suraj looked at him. "Why are you...?". He looked at Chakor. "Miss Chakor do you want to marry me before ending your studies?". Chakor looked innocently at him and blinks with her eyes. "Suraj you na are so cute! There is a guy behind me... Karan but what if a woman comes and takes you away from me? Na never I will fight for you! So please!!! Please please please!!! Let's get married!". Chakor was pleading at him but he shook his head. "Why there would be another woman?".

Suddenly they shocked all. An alarm come out of Suraj mobile phone. "Bhai what's that?". Suraj had connected his laptop to his mobile if someone tried to access it he would get to know. "Wanna see who is working for Karan?". They two looked at him. "How?".

Suraj smirks he took his mobile and switched on the webcam of his laptop. "Who is this?". Suraj looked at the guy. "That is Vishal Thakur!". ViKor looked at him. "You are surprised!". Chakor hold his hand. "Chakor Vishal is Bhai's friend he gave him the job when he had nothing and now this! A big betrayal! Bhai fire him!". Chakor agreed to Vivaans words. "Haan fire him!".

Suraj shook his head. "No, I will confront him! Then I will make him to give a statement at the police station for firm spying! He will get sentence but not for long! But with that we can get rid off Karan and then his name will be ruined one for all!".

They were impressed by Suraj thinking. Chakor kisses his cheek. "It feels like he become smart after engaging with me!". Suraj smiles half heartily. "You done? Can I caught him red handed?". He asked them, now they understand why he wanted to be at a restaurant near the company.

Suraj headed back to the company with ViKor. The two again sit at the door like guards. "Vishal?". Vishal was looking at him. "Suraj?". He was obviously shocked. "You here? I thought you have gone out with Vivaan and Chakor!". Suraj come closer. "I called you my friend and you betrayed me! For what money?". Vishal shook his head. "I'm sorry! But Karan has...". Suraj come closer. "What does he has?". He hold his friends shoulder. "He has pictures of my sister! He said I won't help him he will publish them! Then my sister's reputation would be ruined!". Vishal broke down.

Suraj understood. "Fine you give him what you found or do whatever he told you to do! But you will do it under my instruction with the help of the police!". He gave a clear order.

Vishal nods. "Haan Suraj if it helps to save my sister's reputation I will do everything!".

Suraj smiles. "Okay then wait!".

Suraj called the police but before that he sent most of the staff home, as he doesn't wanted anyone to know about his plans.


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Police will trap Karan... Game over

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