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Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh!
I can't even... ;-;.
1.44k reads? And over 60 votes?
I am so very happy. Thank you to everyone that has taken time out of their day to read my stories. It makes me smile to know that people like what I write. Without you guys I probably would've gave up writing.
Thank you all :,)


1.The FMA Nina scene: If any of you guys watch anime, the scene where Jack watches the tape, It was inspired by 'Fullmetal Alchemist.'
(Poor Nina ;-;)

2. I was going to originally plan for Ethan to live: thought this one over for awhile. I wanted to make it so Mary dies and Ethan  to fight the professor. But then I realized that It would be more touching if a daughter could finally free her father from a curse. 

3. The Arcane Titan: Well lol. Since I am a weeb I put even more anime references. If you watch Attack on titan ya know what I mean.

4. Congrats to Jiminchiminin
For noticing my BNHA reference.

~Character information~

Jack: Was bullied for most of his life. Everything changed when Mark defended him from his bullies.

Mark: Always aspired to be an engineer, but he quickly gave up when he found a new passion: Art.

Felix: Used to be very shy and quiet. He desperately wanted to make friends, So one day he decided to speak up and be loud.

Cry: As a present, Cry's sister made him a mask. Cry used to not wear the mask until one day his sister disappeared. Now to this day he wears it everywhere, It's the only thing he has left of her.

Tyler: As a kid he used to be a scaredy cat. He always would panic when Mark twisted his feet backwards. 

Marzia: Doesn't actually wear the boots because he is embarrassed of her scarring. She does it so Nate doesn't feel guilty.

Nate: Likes Marzia but doesn't know how to tell her.


A deleted version of Mary and Arcane's part.

I didn't go with this version because I don't know. I just didn't like it.

"Mary.." The professor's voice cracked. And the white faded from his eyes. He slowly shrunk back into his true form.

His true form was a handsome man with green eyes, and a smile that could melt anyone's heart. The professor knelt down and hugged Mary. "I'm so sorry. I.. never meant for things to end this way." he whispered.

And then stood up. His smile faded very quickly. "Oh no.. I've done.. so much.." He mumbled. He sighed deeply and took Mary's hand. "I'm sorry." the professor spoke. The whole room turned white, and Jack could vaguely make out Mary and the Professor's form dissolving.


For those who wanted Anti

Um well I kinda mentioned him!

*Shrinks into corner*

Plz don't hurt me ;-;

And again just thank you so much for reading! You guys got my story to #3 in Pewdiecry tags.


Okay enough rambling! This is the end now~

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