Chapter 2: Engagement

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I woke up the next morning quite early due to someone banging on the door to my room quite desperately. Hauling myself out of bed, I dragged my body over to the door and opened it slightly. Tony was stood there, bouncing up and down rapidly on his feet, as if he was going to pee himself.

"Do you have to pee or something?" He simply shot me an extremely confused look but I ignored it.

"What time is it?" I rubbed my face trying to encourage my eyes to stay open.

"Five in the morning."

"I have another two hours in bed." I went to slam the door in his face but he stopped it with his hand.

"I won't hesitate to kick you in the face Tony. I don't care if you're my boss, you should never wake me up." I said with all seriousness.

"It's really important, please Scar." I sighed and opened the door, letting him in.

"This better be good or I swear-" 

"I'm going to ask Pepper to marry me." My eyes shot open.

"Oh my gosh! That is better than good, this is the best thing I've heard since I got here! When are you asking her?" I shouted instantly but quickly quietened down as Tony was gesturing for me to turn my volume down.

"Tonight." My excitement partly changed to worry.

"Have you got a ring?" He can't not have a ring.

"Yes, that's quite insulting that you thought I didn't have one, I'm not stupid, I'm a genius, billionaire-." 

"A place?" I could not cope with his boasting at this time in a morning.

"This is where you come in." I started scratching my head trying to think of something.

"Well, do you have any ideas?" I asked, needing some advice from him.

"I was going to take her to a restaurant-"

"Too typical, you need to do something special." I interrupted.

"That is special! It's a very expensive, 5-Star restaurant Scarlett." I shot him an exhausted look.

"Money doesn't matter Tony. What's she doing today?"

"She's going out with some of her friends." He answered.

"Right, well do something for her when she comes home. Cook or something, that'll shock her. Take her to a beautiful spot after, spend sometime together, then do it. I'd say be simple, don't be extravagant or anything."

"That's not a bad idea. Wait, what do you mean it'll shock her if I cook?" 

"When was the last time you cooked Tony? Come on, you're a lazy sod." 

"I could fire you for that, verbal abuse."

I made puppy eyes and acted like I was going to cry, making him sigh and turn to the door.

"Fine I won't fire you, but if you use any threatening language towards me again, I will report you."

I simply nodded my head as he left the room, smirking as I knew there was no one he could report me to.

I was just so happy that he was finally going to pop the question! He'll probably mess it up because he's not one who's big for romance, but I'm sure Pepper will still say yes. She really does love him. I've been wondering how long it would take for him to ask her, I guess after he thought he'd lost Pepper, that's the point when he realized how much he cared for her, and how much she meant to him. That sounds like a familiar story...

A Second Chance (Book Two) Captain America FFWhere stories live. Discover now