Chapter 11: The New Avenger

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This chapter is dedicated to Music_Freak_05 for regularly commenting on the story as well as voting. You're one of the reasons I carry on writing these chapters! Thank you so much and I love you awesome reader!

It didn't take Steve that long to make our breakfast, pancakes, and I have to say they were delicious. I knew that eventually we'd be called for a meeting on the mission, and I needed a shower, so I put my plate in the sink and walked over to Steve.

"I'm going to go and get ready, I'll see you at the meeting." I went on my tiptoes and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Okay, I love y-" He cut himself off at I turned round to face him.

"Were you going to say something?" I could feel the butterflies in my stomach.

"Erm no, no..." Steve trailed off, avoiding eye contact with me.

"Oh... well, you might not want to say it, but I love you Steve." I had this horrible sinking feeling in my stomach from the fact that he clearly regretted saying it, well almost saying it. I swiftly moved out the door, gently closing it behind me.

Nice one Scarlett, you just made yourself look like an idiot. Steve obviously wasn't ready to say it, but oh no, I had to go there didn't I? 

I took the elevator down to my room, getting inside as quickly as possible.

I walked over to the wall and slammed my head in to it multiple times, trying to knock some common sense in to my brain. I'm immune to pain now so I felt absolutely nothing.

Sighing, I took off Steve's shirt and threw it on my bed. I'll let Phil wear it when he arrives, he'll probably pass out from excitement. Since he'll wear it all the time, he'll think Steve's always there with him, even while he sleeps.

During my shower, I carefully removed the bandage from my shoulder, seeing how the wound was. Turns out, it had completely cleared up, you couldn't even tell that there had been a bullet hole there.

I made my hair really short and blasted it with the hairdryer, getting rid of the dampness in minutes. Then I grew it back to the normal length, just past my shoulders, and made it straight and sleek. I shoved on a pair of denim jeans, along with my brown wedged boots and a teal chiffon top. I gently took out my catsuit from the wardrobe and hung it on the outside so I would see it as soon as I came back. Tony brought it up for me once he was 100% sure it was perfect.

"Miss Maples, there is a meeting being held on the 39th floor in ten minutes."

"Thanks Jarvis I'm on my way now." I replied, grabbing my phone of the desk and putting it in my pocket. I checked the rest of the room, making sure there was nothing I'd forgotten. I opened my door and immediately walked in to someone's chest.

"Steve, we have a meeting to go to." I said, only glimpsing at his face before looking away.

"I know, I just had to come here first."

"Well, if you'll excuse me-"

I tried to get past him, but he grabbed either side of my waist and pushed me back in to the room. He kicked the door closed with his foot and crashed his lips in to mine. I was slightly taken aback, but I definitely wasn't complaining. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer, removing the space between our bodies, but a few seconds later... 

"Miss Maples the meeting is starting soon." 

Steve laughed as he separated our lips and put one of his hands on my cheek.

"I just wanted to say I love you." 

"That's all you wanted to do?" I replied with a raised eyebrow.

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