Chapter 10: Best Girl

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This chapter is dedicated to itsAlexG for always voting and commenting on the story, I updated soon for you Alex!! Thank you so much for saying you love the story, it loves you too my friend.

"You son of a bitch!" I launched myself at the door, using my powers to bring the keys to my hand. As I fumbled with the lock, Natasha positioned herself on the opposite side of the door as Bruce and Clint held me back from ripping his head off. I could easily use my powers to throw them off me, but that would risk hurting them and I couldn't let that happen.

A smirk took over his face as he looked at me. I shot him a death glare, but it had no effect. 

"Where's Barnes?" Natasha asked, continuing with her questions. 

My breathing faltered slightly as I looked over to Steve, he was worried this would happen. So Hydra must have him, but won't disclose his location. 

He didn't answer, instead he leaned back in his chair and stared at her, not even breaking the gaze with a blink. 

She asked a few more questions, trying to get him to let even a tiny bit of information slip, but it wasn't working. I looked past Grant to see Garrett in the cell behind him with a huge grin on his face. I was surprised he hadn't escaped yet, I mean it must be easy having powers like me. He must be waiting for the perfect moment...

Eventually Natasha gave up, standing up from the chair that had been placed there for her. Grant must be good, I've never seen her walk away from an interrogation with no answers or information.

"Let me in there, I'll get you answers." I said as she walked out of the cell. 

"Scarlett, if I can't do it, you can't." 

"I've done them before-"

"Yes you have, but that wasn't to get specific details, it was to get background information. It's not the same."

I didn't answer her as she went to talk to Tony. Fiddling with the key in my hand, I pushed Bruce and Clint away from me, being extremely careful so I didn't harm them. I sprinted for the door, swiftly closing it and locking it behind me as they gathered in a hurry on the other side. The only people who hadn't moved were Tony and Steve.

"Get out of there Scarlett. He's dangerous." Tony warned. 

"So am I." I growled.

Tony shrugged and walked over to get himself a drink, alcoholic of course.

"Now is not the time to drink, that's a stupid decision!" I shouted at him as he poured himself a -typical- scotch. Who the hell puts a bar in a prison anyway?

"In alcohols defense, I've done some pretty dumb shit while completely sober, too." Tony replied, smiling at me in a sarcastic manner.

I ignored his last comment and moved the chair out of the way, walking closer to Ward as he looked me up and down.

"Looking good Scarlett, did you have a nice date? Well I'm sure Cap did considering how you look. Good move getting Jarvis to set up the guns, you're smarter than I remember." 

"Talking already wow, I'm surprised considering you lost the ability just then. The date was great, and I know, you don't need to tell me." I looked down at his legs, seeing his knees both bandaged up with blood marks.

"Good shooting Jarvis." I stated as I stood in front of him with my arms folded.

"Thank you Miss Maples." He responded.

"So, you're Hydra." 

"It's nothing personal."

"Oh it's nothing personal? What about all those missions we were together on? What about all those times I saved your life and you saved mine? Does that all mean nothing to you?" I was fuming inside, but managed to keep myself under control when I spoke.

A Second Chance (Book Two) Captain America FFWhere stories live. Discover now