Chapter 14: Arguments

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Grant didn't say a word, clearly still mortified from the experience he'd just been through. I swiftly left the room, dragging Phil out with me. I could hear everyone leaving the viewing area too.

"You said a few days!" I yelled, annoyed that he'd showed up early. Yes I wanted to see him, but I meant to tell everyone first.

"Well here I am!" Phil answered.

"Where's everyone else?" 

"In the lounge area." I raised my eyebrows slightly, but then remembered Phil had recruited Tony for the Avengers, so he'd been here before.

Before I could say anything else, everyone walked out of the viewing section and over to us. I froze, ready for the yells and abuse about to come at me for even knowing about it, Natasha was probably going to choke me with her thighs, but Clint always says that would be a good way to go.

I disagree.

"Ah yeah of course, T.A.H.I.T.I, I forgot for a moment then, thought I'd seen a ghost." Natasha said laughing whilst she walked over and gave him a hug.

"Good to have you back." Clint shook his hand before turning to me.

"You have given me nightmares for the rest of my life." I didn't even respond, I was just so confused at how both of them knew, but didn't say a word. Then again neither did I...

Sam and Maria left with them as Thor came out of the room, dizzy since he passed out during the interrogation. "Lady Maples, I have never seen such methods-" His words cut off as he met Phil's gaze.

"What black magic is this?!" He yelled, seizing Phil in a bone crushing hug before letting go and leaving for the elevator.

Bruce had sent him a smile but left already since he didn't actually know Coulson that well. It was strange how they all greeted him, but then left without another word. Maybe they know it's definitely a more sensitive issue with both of these men. I knew they wouldn't take this lightly, but at least Fury was here too. 

"You knew about this?" Tony stared at me, and I nodded my head lightly. Steve shook his head and left the room, heading for the elevator. I wanted to follow him, but I knew that I had to resolve this situation with Stark first.

"What the hell!" He yelled.

"Tony, we couldn't tell you because we didn't know how you'd react-" Fury started but was interrupted.

"Well you know now." Tony snapped.

"It wasn't just their fault, it was my own." Phil began. "I didn't want you all to know that I was still alive because I felt as if it would make you feel like fools. I was told that the team came together because of my death. Imagine all that power and adrenaline you felt run through your body being taken away by the fact that I was actually still alive. It would have been a sour victory." 

Tony laughed, turning his attention to me.

"Yeah, it would have, and even now I know it is a sour victory. We won that battle to avenge your death, and now you're here, alive. I'm grateful for that, but you should have told me. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to be alone right now." He said before storming out the room, slamming his feet down as he took the stairs.

Fury put his hand on my shoulder, and I sighed. I needed to talk to Steve about this, might as well do it now. My gut was telling me that this isn't going to end well.

I gave Phil a gentle smile, squeezing his arm before I left the room and walked in to the elevator. 

"Take me to Steve."

"Yes Miss Maples."

"Thanks Jarvis." No matter how much I screwed up, he would always be nice to me.

It felt like it had been years until finally I reached the rooftop, my legs shaking slightly as the doors opened. Steve was stood at the edge, his hands in his pockets as he looked out over the city. Hesitantly, I went and stood at the side of him, my palms sweating. 

"Steve I'm sorry." I said in a quiet tone.

"You know that moment when you found out I was alive, how did you feel?" He asked, not even glancing at me.

"Angry, worried, happy, literally every emotion you could feel packed in to one big punch."

"That's how I feel right now you know." I turned to look at him, and he did the same to me. "I blamed myself. I pushed Phil away when all he wanted to do was talk to the person he's looked up to for so long. Perhaps he creeped me out a little, but I'd just awoken from a 70 year sleep, leaving everything I'd ever known behind." His eyes filled up with tears as he carried on.

"When Fury threw those cards down on the table, it felt like I'd just been shot. All he wanted was for me to sign those cards, but I didn't. I thought I'd paid the price for that, I thought that he would hate me for what I did, for the fact that I couldn't even bother to sign his damn trading cards, because I thought they were stupid."

He moved from beside me and walked to the door, but I was frozen in place.


"Did you never even consider to tell me?" I held his gaze, not moving a muscle. "Clearly you didn't. Now you know how I felt, now you're in my position. You wanted to protect Phil, I wanted to protect you. The one difference, is that one is from the Avengers who worked alongside him, and the other is from an organization who would have no hesitation in killing you." A few tears leaked on to my skin as I opened my mouth to speak, but he stopped me.

"I need to be alone right now, I need to be alone for quite a long time actually." Steve walked out the door, shutting it behind him as I collapsed to the ground.

The realization of what I had done hit me, and a weight settled on my body, pinning me to the floor. My breaths were a mix of a desperate lack of oxygen and a panic that flowed my veins as Steve left me. The skin on my face felt swollen as I continued to let my emotions get the best of me, a tight lock in my throat as I continued to fight for air. I pressed my lips together tightly, trying to stop the wails that were escaping from my mouth, echoing through the air surrounding me.

"I need you Steve." I whispered as I pressed my head to the ground. 

This moment showed me what he truly meant, and I've never realized it. All the pictures up on the walls, and the memories forever locked in my head. The roller coaster of emotions I've been through with him, all seem worthless at this moment in time.

It takes years to build a bond, but only a matter of seconds to break it. 

I'm sorry I broke ours.

Don't hate me okay! I wrote this at rapid pace so it might not be great but it's an update! I'm watching Lucy tomorrow which will halp me understand her powers a lot more! Woooo I can't wait! 

Thank you for reading and remember to give me feedback and vote for the story! Lots of love to every single one of you from ila

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