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|Bakugo's POV|

I walked out of the building without my friends this time. I saw Deku's wierd journal laying in the water, with some fish nibbling at it.

Did Deku not come to get his weird ass book? That's not like that nerd at all. I started to feel slightly uneasy from what I told him earlier about diving off the roof. Did I go to far this time?

Should I take this shit to him? Thousands of questions swam through my mind, like the fish in the water before me.

I ended up going to the roof to stop myself from being paranoid. I walked up the stairs of the building. I looked around till I saw a green haired boy taking off his shoes, and placing them next to a letter on the ground. He began to climb over the railing so he was standing on the edge of the roof griping onto the bar behind him.

"DEKU I SWEAR IF YOU JUMP OFF OF THIS ROOF I'M GONNA... " I yelled. I then noticed his rolled up sleeves. Cuts covered his arms, some new and red, some old and scared over.

"Izuku... dont..... please.... "It became harder to speak as the tears rolled down my face.

"Kacchan.... why, why are you here?" Deku let out sadly. His eyes weren't the same. Full of sorrow, not a sparkle in them at all, they looked dead. He looked like a different person.

Now, I've seen Deku cry a lot, but at this moment his tears were even different.

"Izuku, If this is because of me... "

"IT'S NOT YOUR FAULT!" He cried. "People bullied me for my sexuality, I've been bullied by so many people at this point, I don't even know all of them... "

"But it's my fault that they do this to you! I'm the one that told them you liked me, I'm the one that told them you where gay! This wouldn't have happened to you without me being the cause!" I yelled at this point I wasn't even thinking strait, my mouth was talking on its own. "I'm sorry for the things I've said, and the things that I've done. Just, please.... please get off of that edge.... please.... I don't want you to die. " I didn't have any control of my sobbing at this point. I just fell to my knees.

"Kacchan, don't cry please. Remember how you always say your the strong one? I've always looked up to you from the moment Iaid eyes on you. Your so strong I just want to be like you. "

"You.. shouldn't want to be like me.... look what I've done to you... i-if I hadn't given you that damn idea of jumping off the roof... we wouldn't be here. "

I was soon caught in an embrace, but I didn't pull away as I cried my tears out.

"Kacchan, I was considering suicide for a long time. I-I-Is it s-strange that I'm glad we are here r-right now? Because, if we weren't here, I don't think I'd e-ever feel like there was someone I could talk to, Kacchan. Isn't that sad?"

Before I knew it, I was returning the hug gripping tightly onto Deku's uniform.

"Don't you dare try or even say you w-want to die e-ever again!" I screamed, griping tighter as I cried into the wet spot I made on his uniform.

I actual started crying while writing this damn thing. I think I need some better hobby's. But, I'd like to thank all of you who are reading this, it's sad that I freak out when even one person reads this. But, thanks guys for helping me along this. I'll write more soon, so cya guys later.

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