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Get your minds outta the gutter, not that kinda smash.

|Deku's POV|

Without giving myself a moment to think, my notebook dropped. I don't remember letting go.

My legs moved without me thinking, pulling me forward as the world around me dimmed. It all dimmed except for Kacchan.

What am I doing?!
Why am I running?!

Why can't I stop!?!

What do I do!? What would a hero do right now!?

I remembered that page I wrote on Kamui Woods.

"Pre-emptive Binding Lacquered Chain Prison: Quickly stretch out arms (vines) to make the opponent flinch back, and then use that opening to restrain them."

Remembering that, I slipped my backpack around me and threw it at the sludge monster.

Take that!

One of the books came out of the bag and hit the villain in the eye. He flinched and moved around. The sludge moved from Kacchan's mouth as he took a big breath, the oxygen filling his lungs again. I ran over to him.

"Kacchan!!" I screamed as I clung to the villain, trying to tear the sludge away.

"What the hell!?! Why are you here!?" Kacchan yelled, his voice sounding a little hoarse.

"I don't know! My legs just started moving!" I screamed, I continued to tear at the sludge even though it did nothing.

The sludge moved back to covering Kacchan's mouth as he took one large breath.

As I clawed at the slime, memories flooded into my mind. The doctor saying I wouldn't have a quirk, my mother apologizing to me, Kacchan bullying me, Kacchan saving me from myself, and All Might telling me I couldn't become a hero.

"Kacchan, I couldn't just stand there and watch you die. Especially right after you saved my life!" I cried. Tears streamed down my face.

"Get the hell off me!!" Kacchan tried to yell though the sludge.

"Just a little bit longer, kid!- And I'm done playing with you!" The sludge creature yelled at me.

"Save the boy! This thing will kill him!" One of the heroes behind me yelled.

The slime monster slapped a gooey hand down onto me as an explosion happened, I awaited the impact as I covered my head, but..

"I really am pathetic." I looked up.

"..All Might..? But.."

"I told you the traits that make a great champion, but I see now I wasn't living up to my own ideal!" He yelled as he ripped the slime from his arm.

"Pros are always risking their lives! That's the true test of a hero!"

"Damn you All Might!" The villain yelled as he tried to attack.

"Detroit... SMASH!!!!" He yelled blowing the villain away, (Looks like Team Rocket's blasting off again!) holding onto Kacchan and me with one hand alone.

I blacked out along with Kacchan.

|Bakugou's POV|

Once Deku and I woke up the heroes were praising me, and scolding him.

He deserves it right? He should know better to run into a damn villain attack like that! What a dumbass!

I wasn't even listening to what kind of comments the heroes were saying to either of us. All I could think about was how Deku almost died for the second time today. But why would he do that for me?

I can handle myself! He doesn't need to risk his damn life to try and save me! That stupid fucking idiot!

I wanted to catch Deku before he got home. I didn't even know why!

I ran around a corner as I searched and saw him.

"Deku!" I yelled after him. He stopped and turned around.


I stopped in front of him, panting from the running.

"Listen up! I didn't need you to help me, so why did you do that!? You already almost got yourself killed once today! Was that not enough for you?! Did you not understand when I said I didn't want you to die?! Was I not clear enough?!" I yelled not even thinking about what I was saying.

"You stupid Deku!! Stop trying to fucking kill yourself!!" I turned around and ran before he could say anything.

What the hell were you thinking Katsuki?! You hate the worthless piece of shit remember!?

Stupid Deku!!!!!!

Guess whose back, back again.. Look I updated! Okay, I'm so sorry for not updating sooner. School started up again a couple of weeks ago so that's been a hassle to deal with. School can go fucking die for all I care! I've got more important things to do, like write fanfiction! Because obviously, fanfictions better than school. Kids don't listen to me, stay in school.

Swan Dive ||Deku x Kacchan|| [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now