|8|A Day That Felt Like a Week|8|

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||Deku's POV||

All Might had offered me a chance I didn't think to be possible. A second chance at getting the life I always wished for. After Kacchan had run off after he talked to me after the incident with the slime villain, All Might approached me and told me about his quirk and all of the secrets that come with it. I've started training with him as of today to make my body fit enough to with stand his quirks power. I'd just finished my first day of training and was heading back home to change into my school uniform and get ready for the day.

Now I was walking to the school. I was excited to see Kacchan today, but also nervous...

Who am I kidding?! I'm completely nervous! What'll happen!? Will he yell at me for making him look like a fool or something!? Word will get out about the slime villain attack, I mean it was on TV after all. People will make fun of him and me, for me trying to save him, and being saved kinda by me. Even though I totally messed that up.

I eventually got to the school, some people were snickering and pointing at me, but at this point I'm used to it.
I sat down at my desk and unpacked my things. I nervously awaited the arrival of Kacchan, but he never came. That only made me more nervous. Class eventually started but I was zoned out, and kinda wobbling back and forth over so slightly.
Where was Kacchan? The teacher didn't even mention his absence. My head was throbbing painfully. The sounds of the teacher talking was blanked out.


All I could think about was Kacchan.


Is someone calling me?

"Midoriya!" I looked up immediately and saw the teacher glaring at me. "Are you alright Midoriya? You don't seem right." He asked.

"N-No sir.."

"Would you like to head to the nurses office?" He then asked, slightly less aggressive sounding. I nodded and he wrote up a note for me to leave. As I was going, the entire class's eyes were on me.

The nurse offered me some pills and a cup of water to take. After I'd swallowed them and thrown the cup away, she offered the bed for me to lay down in. I happily agreed as I lay myself down and she closed the door behind me.

I thought laying down would help, but I was still worried. Usually I wouldn't be this worried about Kacchan being absent. But because of what happened yesterday I couldn't stop thinking that maybe he was avoiding me.

Because of this thought haunting my mind, I pulled out my phone and searched my contacts for his name. I finally found his contact and I saw the only two messages that had been sent. Ironically enough from the last day he was sick. It read:

Hi Kacchan, this is Izuku. You were absent today and I was wondering is you wanted me to go over to your house to bring you the worksheet you missed?

Fuck you nerd! Just bring it over and make it fast Deku!

Those were the only messages we shared. So, I decided to send him another message today because I was worried.

Hi Kacchan, how are you today? Are you sick? It's just that the teacher didn't say anything about your absence today, so I was a little worried.

I gave it a few minutes before I looked again, but he hadn't sent anything back.

Are you avoiding me?

Still nothing. I looked up at the clock to see only six minutes have passed since I got here. What?! Only six? It felt like a half an hour!

I sighed as I got out of the bed. I walked back into the main room and I told the nurse I wasn't feeling any better and asked if I could go home for the day. She agreed and I called my mother.

Mom was worried about me, she said that she couldn't get out of work right now. I sighed, but before I could tell her bye, she told me I should call Mitsuki, Kacchan's mom, and see if she could pick me up. Mom gave me Mitsuki's number and hung up. I hesitantly dialed Mitsuki's number.

"Yes? Who is it?!" she asked.

"Oh it's Izuku. Inko's-"

"Oh! Izu-chan! Why are you calling me? Shouldn't you be in school right now?"

"Yes, but I'm sick right now and I asked my mom to come pick me up. But she couldn't get out of work at the moment, so she recommended I call you to see if you might be able to give me a ride?"

"Oh of course I can! Katsuki that little shit right now is sick too. Maybe you could stay until your mom gets off."

"Oh no! Of course I wouldn't want to bother Kacchan right now when he's sick-"

"Come on you gotta! I'm sure that'll maybe get him out of this shitty mood he's in right now too! And wow, you still call him Kacchan? And he's fine with that? You must be special to him, the little brat and I would get into a fight if I still called him by a childish nickname. But don't worry, I'll be over in a bit to pick you up, bye!"

Before I could Evan speak she hung up. I told the nurse that I'd be picked up by a family friend and she told me to go wait in the office. I internally sigh at the fact that I would probably be dead before mom would even get off work.

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