Film One: My Heart Flutters

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     Hey! I guess this is what you would call a one shot? Ever since I've started wattpad I've been wanting to just write one shots, but I wanted to be creative and etc. Which was  a struggle cause what I thought of, others already done, and then A lot of books title "one shot" and yada, yada. 

So, I decided to like, call them films because it's different. Anyways Enjoy!


Snsjsiwjdnsj this gif. ↓↓↓↓↓


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( YoonJin )


Yoongi and Seokjin have been close since Yoongi found him off the street starving to death. However, Yoongi barely looks at Seokjin because he's afraid to show any emotions at all from trauma while Seokjin, on the other hand, is struggling to hold his feelings back for the other because he doesn't want to get kicked out and be forgotten by the other. 


     It's been 2 years, I feel like I will choke up if I continue to hold back. Yoongi has gone to work as usual and I sit here just making sure the house stays clean. It's not a necessity, but I want to catch his attention. I want to have his eyes look at me but it all goes to avail as he thinks I'm just becoming more and more weird. I tend to make it a habit to stare at the clock which just painfully makes time slower. I'd sigh and get back to cleaning the apartment. We live in an apartment just so you know. It's not too cheap or expensive, it's just average and so is the furniture. On the second floor, you don't get much of a view, but the walls of small buildings that seem over your head when you're on the first floor. The door's lock had been undone and the door swung open to reveal Yoongi returning from work as the usual. Made Dinner left on the table for him to eat as I just sit on the couch and watch him like some robot. "Thank you for the food" He softly spoke and started to eat. However, he was eating slower than usual and it made me worry over this, so without thought I approached him, a soft pat on his shoulder. 

  "Yoongi..? If your tired you don't have to eat.." Yoongi nodded and set the chopsticks down to the side and stood up, pushing his chair in. When he just passed me without a word, I felt a tint of sadness crept up inside. It's always been like this. It never felt like he ever cared for me but me always caring for him. The same pattern. Wake up before he does to make him breakfast, He wakes up to take the breakfast to work and only return back to work at night while I just have the place to myself. Only wasting it with naps, cooking, cleaning. It gets harder to find something to do as he sometimes barely comes back home and the place is always left clean when I wake up the next morning. He  came back home, he never greets me, yet I greet him. I am naive to think this man would ever like me and care for me me.


 The soft footsteps that made their way to the bedroom went silent. Stopping midway as they turned to me "Hm?" my heart is skipping beats. I'd be lying if I said I could calm myself down, but really, every time I talk to him I get nervous. Depending on the situation. "I..I want to ask how was your day?" He didn't bother to turn his head to look at me either. Just nodded and quietly said "It was average." and headed off into the bedroom. I felt annoyed now. Because why would this man bother to save me from the streets only to just treat me like some ghost, like some nobody-- "My heart keeps beating for you!" I gasped when I said my thoughts aloud. The sound of blankets being moved came to a halt the moment I shouted. Yoongi's footsteps sped up nearing to the door, making my heart drop as I quickly turned and ran to the door, luckily it was left unlocked so I ran down the halls with my slippers, almost falling time to time while Yoongi still catching up from behind. I cursed mentally when I realized the elevator was taking its time coming up to our floor. Yoongi caught up and pinned me to the wall. His face screamed of anger, his breathing heavy from the run. He doesn't exercise or do anything much in general, so I do feel bad for making him run. Many ways to apologize to him came to my mind such as:

"I will move out if you don't like gay guys!"

"I'm sorry to say that! I was reciting for a performance!" 

"I was just singing a song in my head that I accidentally said aloud!"

But all of those came to silence when Yoongi started crying. The image only hurt my heart badly as I wanted to ask what was wrong. 

"You weren't suppose to say anything..."


"Seokjin, do you wanna know why I don't talk to you?"

  My heart was jumping everywhere as I expected a confession, but I didn't want to get my hopes up too high and just tried to keep myself calm. 

"I was afraid you would've hated me."

Why would I be afraid? I love you. I was the one afraid to lose you if I let loose of my feelings. 

"The day I brought you in, I over heard you saying how much you were scared to be with me. Said that you 'Disliked me' or feared I would've done evil things to you. So, I stopped being close to you." Yoongi looked up into my eyes. The world around started to brighten up. Yoongi's eyes.. were they always this sharp? Did his face always looked so slim? The thoughts stopped when Yoongi patted my head. The tears began to spill as he smiled softly to me. He smiled. At me..

"I'm sorry, Yoongi..I didn't mean to say those thing.. I didn't know you heard that. I was just afraid because the way you took my in didn't seem so welcoming..." Yoongi weakly laughed and wiped my tears as they fell. Then his face came in close to mine and pulled me by the waist and hugged me tightly. The warm embrace melted my heart and I felt my chest tighten from holding in the tears and wanting to just sob in his arms. It never felt so comfy to just lay in someone's chest. "Seokjin, If I had known you felt this way I could've changed and be more happy towards you and welcome you more. Because I know how sad you get when I don't say anything." he lifted my chin to meet with his eyes "From now on, we will be one. We will welcome each other and cook together in dinner. I will share my bed with you. I will share my thoughts and emotions with you." I laughed softly as I wiped a single tear that has been shed from his eye "It sounds like we're getting married." He nodded and kissed my forehead softly. "You and I will become 'We' on this day forward." He leaned in and seated his lips on mine. The kiss itself wasn't what made it warm. Just the love we felt for each other in our hearts have mostly melted away the worries that had frozen over these years.


I could've done better, and it sounded cute in my head. Starting off soft. I don't think I can do some intense love cause it's DIFFICULT AHHHHH. 

Anyway I hope you enjoyed some soft YoonJin as a start. 

and I don't have to worry about sunmer school anymore now. So yaaaay

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