Hidden Film: Taehyung's Thoughts

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Couple/Pair: TaeJin
Small Snippet: Taehyung's feelings towards Seokjin and expresses his needs

I Would Like You To Like Me Back

I remembered the first day I've encountered you. You've held the biggest, radiant wonderful smile I've witnessed ever in my life. The promises of wanting to protect your heart from any poisonous threats to break your fragile, picturesque figure. Kim Seokjin Is your name.

Handsome, adorable, cute and funny Kim Seokjin. No matter how many times you continue to warm my heart, I never get tired of the repetitive smiling I shine for you. I never sore away from the loops of being in the same spot, I know there will be more than just your Dad Jokes and your odd, yet cute, laughter. I want to hold you tons since I know that under the smile you bear contains a heart wrenching dull sadness that empties your energy which you hide from us. I want you to know in the most cheezy way I must say: You're appreciated deeply, by me.  Including the others and our fans. We love you deeply, and I want you to know that. Hehe– don't hide away your shy face, Jinnie. Please, look at me and smile with confidence. No matter how many times we sink, we always find ways to stay afloat within this crazy, wild waves.

I want you to know the main point now. I like you. Not because of out of pity, or because of certain traits. It's everything about you. Your eyes, nose, lips, and your ears when they turn red from embarrassment. Your shoulders, torso and legs. Your smiles and laughter that echoes into the air, telling me that today will be a great day for you which pleases me. Your jokes. Your hands that are warm to hold, your hair that is soft and fun to play with.

All of it. Just– You. You existing in general. I like you. I like you that's existing right now and holding me up from collapsing. You, and including the members. Seokjin, can you please look my way? Why are you so red? Do my hands tickle at your cheeks when I cup your face?

Good. You're cute when you giggle like that from the small little tickles of my hands embracing your face.

Before we sleep, let me kiss you goodnight.

Sleep well, My Love Jin.


I call it "Hidden" because it was just out of no where and I low key wanna upload something already so here's a short lil film. UwU

I'm back bishes!
I mean lovely Koalans (,, = u = ,,)

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