Film Six: That's Right, You're Mine.

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Pair: YoonJin [Maknae Jin strikes again~!]

Category: Yay, more smut. And some smuff– wait. Fluff. Hehe. Smuff.
[Kept autocorrecting to smug omfg never struggled so much.]

Plot: Seokjin had came home late from gaming at a friend's place and found Yoongi napping on the couch. Problem is: He woke him up.

Before you read!

I'd like to do a quick note of how grateful I am to you guys for reading my writings and supporting me. It has kept me going and I do read every comment that ever stops by. Making me laugh, question certain things, and certainly feel loved. I thank you guys again for supporting me and I'm going to do my best to write lots! You guys are why I've kept going uwu. HONESTLY! Do you see how much support I get from you guys? Like. I love my fellow readers. Anyway, imma stop babbling and you guys get to go to the smexshi stuff. I'm kinda under like a baby proof thing by friends for some reason so this is a secret between us =u=

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Film Six: That's Right,
You're Mine.


Seokjin made his way home on the bus as he just left a friend's house on playing hours of games. He hums softly to the music playing through his ears from his earbuds. His sore thumbs from the many flicks away at the joy sticks while gaming taps against his phone along with the beat of the relaxing music. He arrived at his apartment– and to keep note is that Seokjin is sharing his apartment with Yoongi and Taehyung. Waking Taehyung as he walks in the apartment so late wouldn't seem to intimidate Seokjin. The thought of waking the grump other, Yoongi however, does. The last time he woke the elder up through the front entrance, he was punished with sleeping on the floor with no blankets. Seokjin huffed at the thought as he was reminded of the cold floors he received throughout his body, but luckily Taehyung invinted him into his bed and cuddled the younger till morning.

Not even close to being inside his apartment, Seokjin snuck up the stairs to the third floor and quietly took out his keys. Gripping the keys tightly in his palm while the door key was stiff between his index finger and thumb. Inserting the key in an agonizingly slow pace to avoid any loud click of the door unlocking. After the long minutes of quietly sneaking in the apartment, Seokjin had finally got inside, locking the door and taking his shoes off. Exhaling a soft sigh as he approaches his way through the small entrance hallway that lead to an opening of the living room to his left and the kitchen to his right.  The only light he had to guide him through was the bright moonlight that shone inside the apartment. Seokjin couldn't really see much still as the area he is struggling to reach lacks any source of light to guide him safely there. So, he takes out his phone's flashlight.

"Much better— AH!" Seokjin jumped up the moment he tilted his phone's light uowards to only see the face of a tired, grumpy Yoongi. What the hell!? I didn't even make that much noise! All that stealth gone down in vain. Seokjin quietly sulked then sucked it up as Yoongi was giving a big glare, which became more visible once the light switch was flipped. "I'm sorry- I must've made too much noise. Please don't take my bed again–"

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