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ㅡbae jinyoung

"Minyoung's resting at home again. She got fired from her job. Is Daehwi fine?" Minhyun asked me as we ate breakfast.

"He is. But... uhm..." I gulped down my food before continuing.

"I... might have confessed to Daehwi, and he might have confessed to me too." I said.

"Fuck yes!" Daniel stood up and yelled as he cheered.

"Sit your ass down." Jisung glared at him and he did. "Kid, are you sure?" Jisung turned to me and held my hand.

"I do like him... a lot. I had a shit ton of crushes after Yuri but, I never really had serious feelings, this time, I really do like Daehwi and I'm serious about him."

"Jinyoung, I think you should rest first! The last time you loved someone your heart got broken you couldn't even eat properly!" Sungwoon seriously yelled.

I get that they were being protective. The new 3 people quietly sat down while eating but Jaehwan was showing more interest than Ong and Daniel and he seemed more concerned.

"I think I got enough rest. Besides, Daehwi wouldn't do such a thing to hurt me." I smiled. "I got way too hurt by Yuri. I dont think Daehwi can ever hurt me like that. "

"I wish and hope this will go well." Minhyun sighed.

"It will. I won't let it go wrong, besides, I am older than Daehwi and I will guide him. What happened to me last 2 years ago, it shouldn't stop me from finding love, you know. It motivates me more to find the love I truly deserve." I said and ate another spoonful before putting my plate on the sink to wash it.

They ate silently while I washed my plate.

"Jinyoung." Jaehwan called.


"Do you want some tips on Dae?" He asked while eating.

"Yes!" I cheerfully said and he smiled at me.

"Go to your room, I'll see you there." He replied.

I dried my hands and then went up to my room, I lied on my bed and sighed, this wouldn't go wrong, right? Daehwi could never. He wouldn't do such a thing, he's an actual angel.

I smiled to myself and then Jaehwan entered my room and sat on the swivel chair in front of my bed.

"Jaehwan, what does Daehwi think of love?" I asked him, the question shocked him but he regained composure quickly.

"Well, Daehwi... is someone who, doesn't really like the idea of love, he never experienced such a strong attraction to someone yet. He's just 17 and he has a long way to go... who knows maybe you'll be his first love. You could be his first boyfriend." He chuckled.

"He never had one yet?" I asked.

"He had a shit ton of flings, but he never had a serious relationship." He replied.

I nervously fiddled with my hands... so am I just a fling to him now? Is that what he wants?

"But... if you show him that you want more than being a fling, maybe he'll go for it. The others never really showed much interest in him, so maybe if you do, maybe he'll be yours, like truly yours."

"Hm, I see. Thanks." I smiled at him.

"Do you know his favorite flowers?" I asked.

"Lobelias." He said.

"Oh? I never heard of that flower. I bet it's beautiful like him." I smiled.

"It is definitely like him." He chuckled, "So, Jinyoung, what do you think about love? I mean you had a previous boyfriend right? Like... how did it change your views on love... or whatever?"

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