thirty two

944 65 13

—bae jinyoung

The whole gang is here. Unfortunately, the nurse was out due to a staff meeting according to Guanlin who is scolding me right now. Woojin is hearing the story from Somi and Jihoon? He's being Jihoon, just staring lovingly at Guanlin.

"Who threw the first punch huh?" Guanlin asked as he placed his hand on his hip.

"I did." I said and looked away.

"You threw the first punch?! Oh come on, Jinyoung---!"

"Hey, calm down now. It's not like he's dying." Jihoon chuckled at Guanlin's concern.

"I'm not talking to you Jihoon, shut your mouth." Guanlin pointed at Jihoon.

Jihoon smiled, "Make me!" He said and pouted playfully. Guanlin grabbed a handful of cotton, "I'll stuff you with cotton, you want?" Guanlin threatened so Jihoon slowly pursed his lips.

"What's gotten into you? Why did you even cut classes in the first place? Why did you even breathe in the same direction as those senior thugs? Heck, Jinyoung they burnt your nape with a cigarette, thats some serious shit!" Guanlin bombarded me with questions.

"Guanlin, I can see your hair turning gray, calm down, Mother." Somi teased. "Anyways, I saw Jinyoung peeking at my classroom minutes before this punching shit happened. Who might he be looking at?" Somi added.

"You cut classes to see Daehwi?" Woojin asked.

I sighed, when will they actually start treating my wounds? They've been scolding me for 30 minutes now and my wounds are still bleeding.

"I occasionally cut classes, dimwits, its not just for Dae." I said.

Guanlin sighed, "Be thankful no staff saw you get beaten up by those skanks or else you'd be in the principal's office!" Guanlin said and spanked my bruised arm causing me to yelp.

"Not even my mother becomes this concerned for me." Jihoon said.

"Yeah, same. My mother would probably just tell me to drink water and pray to the Lord or something." I replied.

"Take care of this rat." Guanlin told Jihoon and rolled his eyes before leaving.

"Lin, where are you going?" Jihoon asked.

"To class. I'm not gonna skip classes for this." Guanlin replied.

"H-Hey! You're the only one who knows healthcare! We might end up burning Jinyoung alive!" Woojin said

"How the heck will you burn me alive?" I asked.

"My asscrackery will find a way to burn you, probably." Woojin replied, "Is that even a word?" He asked Somi and the girl just shook her head.

"Daehwi knows how to treat wounds. Go get him." Guanlin smirked before leaving the clinic.

The three demons left looked at each other before rushing out of the clinic.

"Get back here! Hey!" I yelled.

I tried to stand up but I could barely even move with all the pain.

"Those little---" I cursed them before closing my eyes to hiss in pain.

Sure, I'd love to see Daehwi and speak to him but not in this condition! I'm an actual mess right now.

"Hey! Hey! Ow! What the heck--- Jihoon, no!" I heard a familiar voice yell.

Somi opened the clinic door and Jihoon was carrying Daehwi while Daehwi was trying to squirm out of Jihoon's grip.

『stalking the stalker』 》『w1 fanfic ; bjy x ldh』 Where stories live. Discover now