The truth (?) 2nd

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Dazai smiles after giving you the 500 yen. You ran off towards the ice cream truck happily with the 500 yen in hand. Then Dazai turn his gaze towards Chuya that've been staring at you with his this weird kind of stare.

"You like her,"

"Pffft- say what!?"

Dazai chuckles and cross with his arm. Chuuya face is as bright as a tomato, with an angry child face.

"You think I didn't notice your feelings towards her? We know each other for so long Nakahara Chuya-kun,"

Chuya frowns. The scene got more tension than before.

"If I do, what are you going to do,"

Dazai chuckles and slick back his front hair with his right hand before he stare in Chuya's eyes with a death glare.

"Leave her alone,"

A sudden pain occurs in Chuya's heart. What's this feeling? But most importantly, this bastard.

"If I say I don't want to? You can't even stop me for approaching her,"

"But the Mafia can,"

Chuya's eyes widen. Mafia? Why does the Mafia needs to be involve with who he is friending with?

"What do you mean the Mafia can,"

Dazai just smile and tuck both his hand in his pockets.

"Don't play dumb Chuya. You know if you're close to the Mafia's enemy, you can be executed due to breaking one of the Mafia law."

"... what law..."

The wind rustle against them, making both their coat flying around. Dazai just look at Chuya's expression, it shows fear, anger and sadness. He narrow his eyes before answering.

"Law number #103: The member who stay closed to the Port Mafia enemy shall be executed due to reason; the secret of the Mafia will be exposed and,"

Chuya is stay still, waiting for the last word Dazai will say.

"...enemy is still enemy for the Port Mafia,"

Chuya eyes widen. Enemy is still enemy... She is still a threat even she didn't mean any harm to us... but...

"Hahaha, you're joking, right? There's no way there's a law like that,"

"You think Im joking for the sake of her be kill by your hand?"

Chuya froze. He can't say any words nor anything. He look at Dazai eyes, and it is full of darkness,

He is serious.

Chuya look down on his feet. Dazai knows more about the Mafia than him. Boss is the one who take Dazai and turn him into one of the strongest executive has ever heard in the Mafia.

"Then Dazai-" Chuya raise his head and stop his word when Dazai said,

"Im just joking~!☆" while he raise both his hand and give his cheeky smile.

Im going to kill him one day....

"What is the benefit for making those jokes!!!"

"The fact that I can see that you care for her, and I can make fun of you more,"

"This man...!!"

"Now, now Chuuya. Do you think I want to hand her to you before I double suicide with her?"

"Search for another woman to suicide with you bandage freak,"

"See~ you like her~☆"

"I don't!!!!"

Chuuya clench his teeth and he was about to take any huge stone and throw at Dazai any second. Before he does that, Dazai next action makes him stop searching for a huge rock.

"But the last one is true..."

Kill by my own hand...,

That sentence echoes in Chuya's head. What does he mean by...,

"Ah, and Chuya~ I heard that you did something to our beloved princess not long ago~"

"Ha? What did I do?"

"Umm... something... involving..."



Chuya's face turns bright red. Did she tell him!? Did she tell all of it to him!?!?

"Who tell you that story!?"

With Dazai poker face and a smile, he reply while pointing at the sky, "the birds,"

"Do you think I want to trust your lame ass joke there?"

Dazai is still with his poker face and he point at Chuya, "feed me you stone brick fucking head"


Chuya's face slowly shows some flushed red on his cheek, He stomp his foot and hiss at Dazai.

"But Chuya-kun, there's an action that makes me feels like its a serious action that you did..."

Dazai smiles with a hundred meaningful smile, while Chuya can't even brain what action did he do.

And in the corner of their eyes, you were running towards them, bringing the vanilla and chocolate flavour ice cream in each hand.

And suddenly Dazai...



The mini chapter of 'The Truth' is out now! Although its just a simple yet it have a big impact on the story thou :D

Once again, thank you for all the support on this book plus the votes you've given to this book TwT Im so emotional!

Oh and yesterday, I saw my book has been list as #11 in #nakaharachuuya !!! IM SO EMOTIONAL!!! And I celebrate it with a mini chocolate cake :D

Once again, thank you for the support and we shall meet again in the next chapter!!! (>♡<


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