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"She's a bit troublesome right?" You asked him while both of you sitting at the stair outside Kuroyuki-san's shop at the sidewalk, looking at the busy street of yokohama. Chuuya chuckles and just nods. 

The sky looks kinda orangey this time. Ah, it's almost night.

The wind rustle, and you feel the light breeze of spring touches your skin lightly, the scent of grass lingers at your nose making you feel great for being alive.

"Hey... I want to ask you something..." 

His rusky voice asked you while his eyes are fixed on the street when he saw a little girl with her brother walking along skipping cheerfully holding his brother hand. And they stop at a shop across of where you're sitting. Its a gift shop.

"What is it?" you replied.

You look at him. You can see his eyes is full of despair and sadness filling his pupils. His hair flaps around without control but he still looks handsome. You realized you looked at him till you felt like you wanna kiss him so your face starts to blush and you look away, and you just stare at the flower pot beside you.

Its a begonias flower. A pink begonias flower.

"What happened to your family?"

A sudden sting makes your heart ache. 

You slowly turn your head to look at him and he look at you while his hand is on his cheek and been supported by his knees. You felt hesitated to tell him the story but you know he won't stop wondering about it and will ask you again in the future.

You sigh hard but you still keep that smile plastered on your face. Your fingers playing around the flower crown that you did with Kuroyuki-san back then to calm yourself. You begin your story with you yourself inhale some air and tries to tell him the story.

"Well, they died during a car accident, and my brother..."

"My brother died when he tries to save me from some assasins..."

Chuya's eyes grew wide, that you almost see his full circle iris. His face is full of question but you know, he wants to know the name of that assasin.

"Whats their group name?" He asked.

"I dont know.. I only remember vividly their outfit... there's like an Ox tattoo on one of the member's arm.."



"No, nothing! Im just... I remembered some song which is an idiot song Dazai played for me. That damn Dazai...." He said while he hold his fist and it trembles.

"How did he dies?" he asked without hesitation.

You try to recall that dark past which is like a few months ago. You still remember how that painful face your brother is trying to keep inside while he still gives that warm smile to make you not worry about him. You can still remember the lights in his eyes are about to vanish when a few minutes comes by. 

"He... He dies in the alleyway when we are still running from the assasins and... Fukuzawa-san, the president, found me at the end of the alleyway while dragging my brother out from there to seek help from someone,"

"He dies from blood lost and broken rib."

Chuya reverted his gaze and look infront of him.

"Im sorry to hear that..."

He said while looking at the siblings that goes out from the shop with a paperbag and the girl holding a red balloon that wrote 'Happy Birthday Mom'. You saw them and it reminds you of last year when you make a suprise birthday party for your mom. 

"It must be nice to have a family back... Now Im just alone..."

You crack a smile looking at them going home with a cheerful face. Chuya look at your face and he touch your hand with his fingers and slowly he holds it tight. You were shock by what he had done and look down at your hand he was holding.

He smiles while looking at you and lean his face towards you saying "May I..?"



A soft tender lips just touched yours and the heat that goes against your nose. That exchanged of heat makes your heart race so face. After a minute pass, he retreat his head from yours and look at your red face, that looked so lost at that exact moment.

He chuckle and put his red flower crown thats filled with red roses, red holly and a lil bit of white statice on your head and cup your face in his hand. The warm hand thas heating on your cheeks makes you focusing on the person infront of you who's just looking at you with a smirk.

He put his forehead against yours and leaves.

You felt like you're in a wonderland after he had done that and you cant believe it felt like a romance story that you've been reading for awhile now. Is this a start of a new romance story in your life?

"Are you done flirting...?"

"Ah! Tanizaki-senpai! I forgot about you!" 

Tanizaki who was just watching you from the shop, closes the door and look at you for awhile. He stare at the flower crown thar Chuya gave with a disgust face clearly.

"You do know he's the enemy right?"

You puff your cheek and look down while nodding. He sigh.

"You better not having a relationship with a mafia, or you know what will happened if you did so..."

"Yeah, I know... Its fine, we are just frenemy, I think," 

"Yeah, I hope so..."

and you guys walks away with flower crowns that you did today as part of the mission with Kuroyuki-san. The day ends with you questioning the action of that Port Mafia Executive did towards you.


"Boss, how should we settle him?"

At the basement of port mafia, filled with men with Ox tattoo over their body crying in pain. Some of them are half dead and half alive, some of them are unconscious and a few of them are tied, waiting for their final words to decide they live or not.

A man with a black coat and black hat takes a cigarette out and lights it before he puffs a few puff and look at them.

"Ask them who's incharge and there on both days the incident happened. If they're not there, kill them. If they're there, torture them until they suffer and die." 

And he goes, leaving the basement that's now filled with screaming and crying and some loud bangs that ends some crying immediately.

Chuuya x Reader OneShot (Discontinue)Where stories live. Discover now