Wrong day-logince

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Being logic has its perks.

All of them had their own little special skill. Patton, bless the man's heart and soul, had the ability to move things around, those things include people and moving around including teleportation.

He had only used the power for harmless pranks or get any of them out of potentially harming situations, a man with more understanding of the world might have used it on behalf of himself, for unworthy purposes or for power.

Virgil had the ability to control their host's behaviour if necessary, it resulting in an outburst of emotions and him more then once physically pulling him back from dangerous situations. 
A car nearing to hit him being the most current example that they were able to recall.

Roman had the power of summoning things. He could make things and animals appear out of thin air, puppies now being a common visitor in the common room and a sudden basket full of wonderful things being dropped into your hands if one of them was having a bad day.

Logan's power was unknown to the others, him not seeing use to show them off or simply feeling like they were unnecessary to mention once the others asked about it.

And now he would use them.

See, part of why the doctor who series was such a big part of his nerdiness (Roman's words mind I say) was because he wanted to learn about his ability. 

So there he stood, nervousness eating away at him as he closed his eyes, focusing on the moment he wanted to visit, the day and time and place he wanted to see.

He would only take a look, see if his date that he had planned for months on end now would go well, rewind his steps and go on with his day, no big deal, just time travel, no big deal, ju-

His eyes shot open as he heard his own voice calling in the distance.

They were in the park he had planned to go, trees blossoming everywhere and the sky seeming as bright as Roman's smile as he and his future-self walked hand in hand, talking softly as they walked through the park, towards the dinner he had specifically chosen because of its Disney themed rooms.

Roman chuckled at something he had said, looking away with a blush as future Logan looked at him, gaze lingering on the other's lips just a second too long before he awkwardly laced their fingers together more, Roman smirking at him before his hand let go of his, just to be replaced by an arm around his waist.

He was blushing madly, he and his future-self grinning like idiots as he leaned into the touch a bit more.

It was so beautiful he had almost forgotten about the world around them. That is until that world yelled harmful words at them and he became aware of the stares.

Some were positive, a few thumbs up and smiles, a few polite nods or trying to hide their delight when with their parents.

And some were worse.
A few looks in their direction before they looked away, a few eye rolls, a few disapproving looks before they turn to complain about them to their companions, a few glares, a few whispers under their breath. And a few shouts.

Their happiness had passed as they finally arrived at their location, Roman's arm no longer resting around his waist and the smiles no longer on their faces, silently walking alongside each other, feeling like it was wrong to look at each other.

Dinner was better, they talked, joking a bit before finally loosening up again, their hands locked together on the table as they softly talked with each other, the sky slowly turning from blue to orange to red, it almost going to purple once they left the dinner.

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