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Wednesday; 2:56pm
hyunjin: hi

me: so we're going to talk casually as if we know each other now?

hyunjin: ...

hyunjin: then what you just want me to say "hey ima just block you right now goodbye"

me: honestly yes.

hyunjin: ...well no im not going to say that.

me: ill block you then.

hyunjin: nooo :( i need new friends

me: you have the jisung and the seungmin guy who else do you need?

hyunjin: another one. and i found you.

me: before we become friends

me: you said you have a selca with jinyoung.


hyunjin: ok


hyunjin: happy now

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hyunjin: happy now

me: sorry whut

me: youre that guy at the right?

me: you look uncomfortable

hyunjin: im a fanboy of him too alright.

me: so whos stray kids

hyunjin: we're kids that are strayed

hyunjin: just kidding

hyunjin: we're a boy group with 9 members.

me: oh including the seungmin and jisung guy?

hyunjin: yea

hyunjin: anyway its nice talking to you but got to go.

me: uh yea, bye.

Wednesday; 9:01pm
hyunjin: hi

me: what do you want now?

hyunjin: im bored and im tired.

me: why

hyunjin: i just finished dance practice

me: oh.

me: then why text me?

hyunjin: cause i got no friends

me: you have another 8 people to talk to and you want to talk to a boring person like me?

me: won't i make you more bored.

hyunjin: not really actually.

me: ok then what do you want to talk about?

hyunjin: about me ;)

me: different subject please

hyunjin: am i hot?

me: another suBjeCt

hyunjin: fine.

hyunjin: do you like any member from stray kids

me: yes

hyunjin: me? ;)

me: no

me: its


me: jisung is beautiful

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me: jisung is beautiful

me: jisung is handsome

me: his name is literally part of the word

me: HANdsome

me: oh and remember you assumed i was jisung lmao

hyunjin: haha lol funny

hyunjin: ... .-. dont ever talk to me.

me: okay byebye

hyunjin: no wait

hyunjin: i was joking

me: yes you were

hyunjin: anyway got to go

me: v live?

hyunjin: how do you know

me: it just said "stray kids started a live"

hyunjin: oh

Wednesday; 10:24pm
hyunjin: hi

hyunjin: hi

hyunjin: helloo

me: what

me: hi

me: you know i have a life too

hyunjin: did you see the live

me: nope

hyunjin: awh :(

hyunjin: i did an aegyo in the live :(

me: i still can watch it

hyunjin: its not the same

me: why not

hyunjin: cause i was on live

me: and?

hyunjin: nevermind i don't know how to explain

me: okay..

hyunjin: so hows life

me: i dont know honestly

hyunjin: thats sad

me: how about you

hyunjin: tired

me: oh then you should go sleep

hyunjin: ok night fam

me: night

text me | hwang hyunjin ✔️Where stories live. Discover now