I slam my arm on the snooze button on my phone and lay in bed for a couple more seconds. Today was my first day of sophmore year at Midtown High School, and to be honest I'm not as scared as I thought I would be.
I got up to go the bathroom and start getting ready, but my little brother Tommy had gotten to it before I could...
"HAHA! BEAT YOU TO IT!" He said as he stuck his tonuge out and shut the door.
"Tommy c'mon please! Can you not be a little beast for once in your life!" I said groaning in annoyance. I got no response so I decided to just go back to my room to pick out some clothes since I didn't get the chance to the night before. Peter had come over to talk to me about some new gadget he had found in front of an apartment building. That conversation lasted till 1 am...not that I was complaining, I love having Peter over because we never run out of things to talk about.
I rummaged through my closet for about 5 minutes when I picked out a pair of mom jeans, a black cropped tank top, a grey cardigan, and my white converse. I heard the bathroom door open and my little brother came running out and into the kitchen. I walked into the bathroom, finally, and did everything I needed to do. I only put on some mascara because that's the only thing I know how to use...I've never really been big on makeup,obviously. After that, I went back to my room to get my phone and my backpack. I was reaching to get my backpack from the floor when I heard a knock at the door,
"I'LL GET IT!" I yelled running towards it knowing exactly who it was.
"NOPE! TOO LATE!" Tommy yelled back at me. Oh that's just great. I wonder what joke he's prepared now. Tommy yanked open the door to reveal a slightly groggy Peter.
"Hey Peter! Did you hear that oxygen went out on a date with potassium? They said it-"
"It went OK. Nice try Tommy, but like I said last time,I've heard all the science jokes out there!" He said chuckling. Everytime Peter comes over before school Tommy always has a joke prepared for him. Sooner or later he has to run out. Hopefully.
"Morning Becca, you ready to go?" Peter asked.
"Uuuhhh....yes! I think I have everything. Let's go!" I said as I entangled our arms heading for the door, but Peter stayed put.
"Are you sure you have everything? Phone...food...backpack...?"
"Yeah Peter I'm pretty sure I ha-" I noticed that there was no weight on my shoulders.
"You better check again Becca," Peter said giving me a smirk.
" MY BACKPACK! HOW COULD I HAVE FORGOTTEN MY GOD DAMN BACKPACK OF ALL THINGS" I yelled as I untangled our arms and ran down the hall to my room with Peter following behind.
I grabbed my backpack from the floor and asked Peter if he could help me find my earphones. I heard the door from my parents room open and my dad stands at my door.
"Morning Peter," he said.
"Morning Mr. Jacobs," Peter said while still looking for my earphones.
"Aren't you two supposed to be going by now?"
"Yeah but I need to find my-"
"Found them!" Peter said while holding up my broken earphones. "Umm...we can always stop by a store a buy you new ones?" Peter said smiling.
"Yeah you're right, okay, but we need to go! Ned just texted me saying he's been waiting for 15 minutes and he's starting to freak out so we gotta go!" I said running towards Peter and grabbing his hand.
"BYE DAD! TELL MOM I SAID BYE!" I yelled running for the door, "Bye, ugly! See you when I get back!" I said to Tommy who was watching TV, he didn't start till next week. Man. Do I miss first grade. "BYE MR. JACOBS!"
"Bye Peter, bye Becca!"
Peter and I walked down the stairs since there was a couple making out by the elevator buttons.
"I thought they broke up like two weeks ago?" I asked.
"I just stopped questioning it." Peter said.
We stepped outside onto the busy streets of New York as we made our way to the subway station.
"Okay so, we have 2nd, 3rd, 5th,9th, and 10th period together right?" Peter asked as we stepped into the subway car.
"Yes! And after school we meet by the bike racks and go to Delmar's Deli right?"
"Yeah, okay. Is it bad that I'm nervous? Are you nervous?"
"Honestly Peter, I'm actually not as nervous as I thought I would be. But hey, you'll be fine trust me. I feel like this year's...going to be different. You know?"
"Thanks, Bec. Really? I feel like it's going to be pretty-" Peter was cut off my the subway making a sharp turn,he grabbed onto a railing, but I on the other hand wasn't as lucky. My arms wrapped themselves around Peter's neck. Our faces only inches apart. Peters face began turning a light shade of red, and I could feel mine burning up. Both of us looked down, causing our heads to bump into each other
"Oh my bad!"
"I'm so sorry!"
We both blurt out at the same time. I unwrap my arms from around his neck and regain my balance.
"Aha...umm are you ok?" Peter asked me, as he rubbed his neck with his free hand, still looking down.
"Yeah yeah I'm fine, ha. Uh sorry for grabbing you," I said slightly embarrassed.
"N-no it's cool, you were just-you were just trying not to f-fall" he said, finally looking up and smiling. I smiled back, and tried to distract myself. What was so awkward about it? I've hugged Peter so many times already, what was so different about this one time? Nothing. Nothing was different, I'm overthinking this whole thing.
Thankfully the subway had arrived at our destination before things got really awkward.
"Hey, I found Ned, let's go!" Peter said rushing toward him.
"NEEEEEED!" I exclaimed as I ran to one of my best friends. Ned is truly one of the greatest people I know without a doubt! Ned, Peter, and I have been friends since forever, if you saw one of us, the other two weren't far.
"BECCAAAA!" He yelled, I gave him a hug and we let go.
"Peter! How've you been?!" Peter walked up to him and they did their handshake.
We all walked into the building and stopped by my locker first, "We all have lunch together right?" Ned asked, "Yes, we sit at the same table from last year, and this year, Ned, we make sure that we bring lots and lots of napkins..." I said staring directly at Ned while closing my locker. We all started making our way to Peters locker.
"Okay, I didn't spill as much milk towards the end of the year! I promise I won't spill anything ok?" Ned said jokingly offended. "Let's give him a chance to prove himself Becca. See if he really has changed," Peter said smirking. "Okay, if Ned goes a whole week without spilling or dropping anything then we have to help him build his Star Wars Super Destroyer." I told them, "But if he does spill or drop anything then he has to...return one of his Lego sets!" Peter says turning to a very fearful Ned.
"Guys please c'mon I'll do anything else, I just don't think this is-"
"Nope! The bet has been set in place! Too late to turn back now!" Peter said patting his friend on the back. We all walk to our first period classes. We didn't need to stop at Neds locker because he had already gotten his stuff before we came.
We all went our separate ways, and I walked into my first class of the day which was chemistry. Probably my best subjects. I walked in and sat one of the tables in the front corner of the room. Everyone started coming into the room. I was scrolling through my phone when I felt somone sit in the seat next to me, it was a girl. I didn't know her, so I didn't pay much attention.
After a couple minutes of everyone talking to each other, the teacher finally came in and started class. Well, this is the start to a new school year.
~Time Skip to Lunch~
It was finally lunch time and I couldn't be more relieved! It was only 5th period and I already had 2 worksheets, 1 essay, and 1 paragraph all due tomorrow. It's moments like this that make me wonder why I want to try in school. I make my way from 4th period to lunch. Walking down the hall I had a strange feeling that someone was looking at me, so I tried to shake it off. A few seconds later I felt a tug on my shoulder and I turned around ready to tell whoever it was to piss off. To my surprise it was Flash Thompson. "Oh, uh hey Flash..."
"Hey Rebecca, so um how was your summer?"
"It was good, um I uh...have to get to lunch so...I'll see you around I guess," I said as I turned around to walk to the lunchroom. Flash and I used to be friends, that is until he started being a complete douche bag to everyone, including me and especially to Peter. Why he was trying to talk to me again, I have no clue. But whatever. I came out of my thoughts when I heard my name being called,
"REBECCA! OVER HERE!" I looked towards our usual lunchroom table and saw Ned waving his hands frantically. Oh my god.
I hurriedly walked up to the table.
"Ned put your hands down. I think I know where the hell we sit by now!" I said while motioning for him to put his hands down.
"Just making sure, you seemed a little lost,"
"No Ned I wasn't," I said while laughing, "it's just that Flash tried to start a conversation with me, which was weird. But I blew him off."
"Hey guys, how are we doing?" Peter said sitting with Ned and I.
"Flash tried talking to Becca" Ned blurted out. I gave Ned a glare, whenever I mention something Flash does or did Peter gets all worked up and starts to worry. When he worries I worry and that's never good.
"Really? Why can't Flash ever just leave us alone. I don't understand how he can get away with such bull shit. I swear-" I cut off Peter, I hated when he swore, it always leads to something bad.
"Peter, hey, it's ok. Nothing really happened he just asked about my summer that's it. I promise." I put my hand on his shoulder, hoping to calm him down a bit. He looked at me and then to Ned then back at me.
"Right. Sure." He looked at my hand that was still on his shoulder and looked back down.
"S-so um Ned you can still come after school to Delmars right?" Peter said, obiously wanting to change the subject. I pulled my hand off of his shoulder and started to eat the doughnut I had brought.
Ned and Peter started talking about some documentary about spiders they saw on TV. I zoned out and started looking around the lunchroom. I was expecting to see a bunch of cliques sitting at their assigned tables, but instead I noticed that there were no cliques. Instead it was just students sitting with whoever they wanted. In a way it felt relieving to see that our school didn't have any. I guess that's one thing I like about this school. I got that strange feeling of being watched, I looked around for Flash, but I saw him chugging a milk carton with a bunch of his friends cheering him on. I continued looking around, but found nothing. I decided that I was just being paranoid.
"Becca....Becca...EARTH TO BECCA!" I heard Ned scream.
"NED. Please! There's plenty of other things you can do to get my attention besides scream out to the whole lunchroom!" I said turning my attention to Ned and Peter.
"Well we asked you a question! Do you think Spider-Man is old or our age?" Ned asked, giving me a serious look.
"Umm... I think he's old. Like 40 maybe?" I said, not really interested in the topic. Spider-Man was all rage in New York, at this point I'm tired of hearing of him. He's like a song that plays over and over on the radio. At first it's cool, but then it becomes overplayed and annoying.
"40?! I-i mean I don't think he would be that old...he can do really cool stuff that I don't think a 40 year old can really do..." Peter said shyly. I look at him and raise my eyebrows.
"You're just saying that 'cause he's your favorite superhero, Peter." I said giving him a smirk.
"Whatever," he said smiling and giving me a push.
The bell rang and we were all dismissed to our next classes.
"Bye Ned! Bye Peter!" I waved at them,
"Bye Becca!" They said in unison, waving back.
I stepped into the crowed hallways once again. Dodging all the bodies that passed by me. 'Only 4 more periods to go. You can do this Becca.' I thought to myself.
~Skip to After School~
Peter and I both had Photography as our last period which was fun because I love the class and I have it with Peter which makes it even more fun! As I walk with Peter to the bike racks I turn to look at him, admiring his features. I never noticed how nice his eyelashes were, or how good his hair looked when he let his natural curls show. Peter turned his head in my direction and I quickly diverted my eyes to the fence next to us, which suddenly became very interesting.
"Ned texted me saying he's there, so pick up your pace Becca," Peter said beginning to walk faster than me. I quickened my pace to try to catch up.
"Peter you know I have short legs! Slow down!" Peter turned around, walking backwards, and started to laugh, I laughed along with him, now running towards him. He stopped walking backwards and stood there smiling as I ran to him. I opened my arms as I neared him and he did the same. I wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist as be caught me, we stood there laughing as hard as ever at nothing, just us being us.
"Get on my back,c'mon! We can't keep Ned waiting!" Peter said as he let me down and crouched down to let me on his back. He put his hand under my legs and started to run to the bike racks where I see Ned laughing with his phone out.
We reached Ned and I got off of Peters back.
"Took you guys long enough! People were starting to stare," Ned said as we all began walking to Delmars.
"Don't worry Ned, they probably were just staring at your cool hat" I said tipping the front of his brown fedora, "You have a point there Becca, I've been told this hat suits me pretty well!" Ned said as he adjusted it back on his head.
"Yeah, sure it does," Peter said chuckling.
"You're just jealous Peter, it's okay, you'll find a cool hat that looks good on you one day." Ned told Peter giving him a sympathetic look.
"Alright guys, shut up, Peter get me a #1, I'll go get the drinks, Ned go get the snacks," I ordered them. We went to go get the food and I found a table we can all sit at outside the deli. Ned and Peter followed me to the table and we all day down.
"A #1 for Becca, a #3 for Ned - no pickles-, and a #5 for me!" Peter said, handing out the sandwiches.
"Gummy worms for Peter, Oreo minis for Becca, and Pringles for me!" Ned said handing out the snacks.
"A Moutain Dew for Ned, a Pepsi for Peter, and a Dr. Pepper for yours truly!" I said handing them their drinks.
"I said I wanted the cherry Moutain Dew!"
"I know Ned! But they were all out, so be greatful I got you anything at all!" I said with a mouthful of sandwich. Peter laughed as I shoved even more into my mouth.
"You might want to slow down there Bec..." Peter said chuckling.
"Listen Pete, thank you for being concerned but I can handle a sandwich ok? Ok." I said putting a mini Oreo into my mouth. He began to laugh, but suddenly stopped as his head wiped to the side.
"uuhhmmm... uh..." he fumbled with getting his phone out of his pocket, "uh, he-hey May, what-whats up? Okay...uh yeah-yeah" Peter said on the phone. Ned and I both look at each other, then back at Peter.
" Hey guys uh-I-uh...have to go now, May said she needed me to..uh...pick up a few things from the store so, I'll so you guys tomorrow!" Peter said as he got up and put his sandwich, snack, and drink in the bag.
"Oh, okay cool. See you tomorrow Peter!" Ned said waving as he ran off.
"Nice going Becca, your disgusting eating habits made him leave," Ned said playfully.
"Oh shut up Ned!" I said hitting him on the chest.
"If anything it was your hat that drew him off," I said hiding my laugh, "I doubt that! AND if it was it's probably because he's jealous of it!"
"Whatever helps you sleep at night Ned." I said giving him a put on the back.
"Hey, I should get going, teachers gave me a bunch of assignments that are due tomorrow. See you at school Ned!" I said while getting up and throwing away my trash.
"Yeah I should get going too, I need to finish up building my Millennium Falcon!"
"Nice! Snapchat me a picture when you're done with it!" I said picking up my backpack.
"Okay, see you tomorrow Becca!"
"Bye Ned!" I said waving.
I made my way to the subway station. When I got on I took my seat next to the doors and I scrolled through my phone. After a few minutes and a couple delays, I got off and walked the 20 minutes to my apartment. It was still really bright outside so I didn't worry about running into unwanted people. Before I went home I stopped by a store to buy some new earphones. They weren't the best, but they'll do for now. I exited the store and put one earbud into my ear and played "Can't Buy Me Love" by The Beatles. I looked around as I walked and thought about how nice it would be to have an apartment of my own one day. One that overlooked the city. My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of someone yelling from up high, I look up and see none other than our friendly neighborhood Spider-Man swinging from rooftop to rooftop. I roll my eyes and look straight ahead as I continue to walk back home.
I reached the apartment building and unlocked my door with my key. My mom and dad are still at work, so that means that Tommys probably either with May or one of his friends. I walk down the hall to my room and put my backpack down near the foot of my bed. I change into my pjs and pull out my homework. I had a long day ahead of me.
Hey guys! So this is the first chapter of the story, I hope you guys like it! Leave a comment if you guys want cuz why not! Next chapter should be up either tomorrow or Thursday!

She's mine... not yet. [Peter Parker fanfiction]
FanfictionRebecca thought high school was going to be a breeze since she had her best friends Peter Parker and Ned Leeds. But she was wrong. At first everything seems to be going great for them, but then comes along someone from Peter's past who makes a sligh...