Chapter 5 Pt. 1

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     Today I woke up before my alarm once again, but that was okay since I hoped I would make up for that later today. My mom is a reasonable person if I'm bring honest, so maybe I could just straight up tell her that I just want to catch up on school work she'll understand.
     I here the sound of my mom's heels walking outside the door. She's probably leaving for work so I should go tell her now.
I walk out of my room and begin walking to the kitchen were my mom is getting her lunch ready.
"Hey mom," I say as I yawn and give her a sleepy smile.
"Oh! Becca? What are you doing up? Your alarm hasn't even gone off," she questioned as she turned around to face me. I walked up to her and wrapped my arms around her and she wrapped one arm around me and the other stroked my hair.
"Mom, can I please stay home and catch up on school work? This is the only time I'll ever ask to stay home! Promise." I pull slightly away from the embrace and look up at her. At first she looks unsure, but then she smiles and gives a nod.
"Sure, but just this one time okay?" I nod my head quickly and give her a huge hug.
"Mom, I love you so much,thank you! Oh! And Peter said that he's coming over after school to help with homework and then we're going out to take pictures for photography."
"Alright, be safe okay? If you need anything your dad isn't working so ask him." Kissing my forehead she grabbed her bag and headed for the door. I gave her one last wave before she walked out and then ran to my room.
     I flopped on my bed and let out a content sigh. Not going to school when everyone else is, is such a good feeling. Plus dad's staying home and that's always fun! I grab my phone and text the group chat I have with Peter and Ned.

Becca- guess who's not going to school bitcheeeeez! 😎

Ned- whatever...guess who's going to make up a ton of homework!! 😋

Peter- nice one Ned! 👏

Becca- why are you guys so mean.

Peter- just stating the facts sweetheart, nothin but facts 👌

Ned- no one's fault but yours Bec.

Peter- but at least you have me to help you finish yesterday's stuff, so you're welcome  😚

Becca- yeah ok. Whatever. Wish it was Ned, I can tolerate him more 😁

Ned- always knew you liked me better, soz  Peter

Peter- I'm leaving this group chat.

Becca- you're so sensitive 😂 see you later Pete 🤘 bye Ned 👍

I put my phone on the nightstand and decide on taking a nap for the missed sleep.
     It wasn't long before I heard Tommy begin to get up, I'm surprised that he hasn't barged into my room yet. I decide not to question it and went back to sleep. But the universe decided I have had enough sleep apparently. The door to my room burst open and in came Tommy.
"YOU'RE LATE YOU'RE LATE GET UP!" he was jumping on my bed and pulling the covers off of my body.
"TOMMY FOR FFF....HECKS SAKE PLEASE. GO AWAY!" I said screaming back. He stopped jumping and sat down next to me.
"What about school? You're late aren't you gonna go?" It was at this time I realized that that he was wearing a homemade Spider-Man costume. I give a little smile and pull him onto my lap embracing him in a hug.
"Nope. I'm taking a day off to catch up on work. Lucky you don't start school till next week huh?"
"Yeah, I can't wait to show my friends my costume!" He said wiggling out of the hug to show me the full look. I giggle as he starts to pretend to sling webs onto the walls.
"Hey you wanna know something cool?" He sits back down and nods his head furiously.
"Well...I met Spider-Man," I said getting closer to him and giving a small smile.
He put his hand over his mouth, eyes widening with surprise,and eyebrows raising. I chuckle at his speechless expression and get up from my bed and go to the kitchen, with a cheeky smile on my face.
     I heard his small but quick footsteps run after me. I sat down in one of the stools and Tommy sat right across from me leaning forward.
I cut him off with my laughter.
"TOMMY! Way too many questions! But he was nice...really nice actually. He's pretty funny too but in a cool chill way you know?" Oh god what was I saying, gross.
"But he's pretty annoying too. He didn't show me his web shooters, and no, we did not talk about you. So sorry, maybe next time," I said rustling his curls.
      I got up and started making myself a bowl of cereal, Tommy followed me around telling me a bunch of things to tell Spider-Man the next time I see him, which I'm hoping won't happen. Or maybe I do want it to happen...what the hell am I saying. I need to stop.
"Oh oh oh! And ask him if he could come to my school so he-"
"Ask who if they could come to your school?" My dad came in wearing his stay at home shirt and pants and sat down on one of the stools.
"Becca met Spider-Man!" He runs up to my dad and he put him on his leg.
"Woaaah...Bec, I tell you that you can date now and the first boy you go after is Spider-Man?" He gives me a playful smile and Tommy makes kissy noises. I roll my eyes and eat my cereal.
"Man, and I was so hoping it would be Peter," he grinned. I spit out my cereal and look at him wide eyes.
     "DAD! NO! STOP!" I felt my face begin to burn. I turned around quickly and headed for the couch.
"Daddy she's all red!" Tommy came and dad followed behind.
"Well that's what happens when someone has a crush Tommy," my dad teased.
"Guys, please. Peters coming after school and I know you're both going to make it so awkward. I don't ask for much, just please, don't say anything." I plead intently, the one thing I want the most in life is for things between me and Peter to stay normal. If things ever got weird things would never amend because we're both awkward teens. Tommy and my dad pretend to talk about the issue at hand,
"Okay...we'll try and be good. But, you have to help Tommy with his homework whenever he needs it."
     "What?! No! I have to help with his home work all the time just for you guys not to be weird once? That doesn't make sense!" I exclaimed.
"Oh honey, homework help in exchange for keeping your crush a secret, I think it sounds pretty fair. Don't you Tommy?"
Tommy nods his head and gives me a sly smile.
"What no dad- no I don't have a crush on him oh my god," I put my hand on my forehead and let out a sigh. 'I lose either way.' I give into the deal and shake my dad's and Tommys hand.
"I'm gonna go do some homework." I sigh as I get up from the couch and hurry to my room.
     I've been doing my homework for a couple hours and I decided that I needed a break.
I pushed all my stuff to the side and went out to get a snack and went right back into my room. I look around and see that it's a bit messy. I look at the seat next to my window and notice that Peter had left one of his sweaters here. I chuckle to myself thinking about how forgetful Peter is with little things. Over the years I've collected many of his things, sometimes I give them back as Christmas or birthday presents and he doesn't even realize that they're his.
     I catch myself smiling ear to ear, and I quickly turn my mind to something else. Anyone ever feel the sudden urge to DIY cool shit? That's what I'm feeling right now. Will it turn out good? Probably not, but we can always try! After gather my supplies I'm not feeling too awake so I decided to do something simple.
I grab a ton of pictures of Ned, Peter, and I and put them on the wall in a cool pattern. I'm not going to lie, I'm kind of proud of myself. But it needs something more...I grab a set of permanent markers and begin to draw cool designs around the pictures. Was I going to regret this at some point in my life? Probably when I decided to redecorate, but I'll deal with that when it happens.
     By now it was almost time for Peter to come by. I began getting my camera and other things ready for our outing.
For some reason I was feeling really nervous, almost like I had to throw up.
I brush it off and begin get myself ready. I pick out a striped shirt, jean shorts and my white vans. I put my hair into a messy bun and put on my necklace.
     I walk into the living room and sit on the couch waiting for Peter.
"All ready for your date?" Dad asks chuckling. I roll my eyes and give him an annoyed look.
"Dad, I will pay you, to not talk. Please, don't make things weird. I'm begging."
"I said I would try, and our deal has been made you can't go back on it." The smile never left his face as he continued to tease me.
*Knock knock*
"Well would you look at that...I think I should get that." My dad said making his way to the door. At this point there was no fighting it. I walk slugishly behind him, dreading whatever happened next.

Hey guys! Thanks for reading! I hope you're all enjoying this so far, Peters "blast from the past" will be coming soon, I just wanted to really capture Peter, Ned, and Beccas friendship before everything happens you know? If you guys have questions or anything you can message!
Leave a comment if you'd like! ❤

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