Chapter 4

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*At Neds House*
     We were all currently at Neds house in his room, sitting on the floor, building his new Lego set. This one was pretty big, bigger than the last one, I don't really know what it is, but it looked pretty cool.
"Where does this piece go?" I asked holding up a black square.
"Uuuhhh....right over here," Ned pointed to a spot and I placed the piece there.
"Guys my fingers are getting cramped, can't we take a break?" Peter said cracking his fingers. "Why don't we have a Star Wars marathon!" He said excitedly.
"Yes! Let's do it!" Ned said as he grabbed the movies and began playing the first one.
"Oh yeah sure, I would love to thanks for asking!" I said sarcastically. Peter punched me on the shoulder playfully.
"You're going to learn to love it one day." He said smiling.
     From time to time- the whole movie- Peter and Ned would say a line from the movie, I chuckled as they try and mimic the voices.
"You've never heard of the Millennium Falcon?!" Ned and Peter yell at the same time. I roll my eyes and smile.
A couple of hours had passed and I don't even know what movie we were on. I felt my eyes start to droop and I caught myself falling asleep a couple of times. By now I couldn't keep my eyes open even if I wanted to. I rested my head on Peters shoulder and hoped to got that I didn't drool. I felt him tense up, but then relax himself after a few seconds. 5 minutes later, I gave a small jump, I felt a pressure on top of my head. I noticed that it was Peter. His head was on top of mine and his eyes were closed. I smiled to myself as I fell back asleep on his shoulder with his head on top of mine.
     "Guys...Guuuyys..." I felt a poke on one of my cheeks. I swatted away at the hand and got comfortable again.
"Please guys get up," I felt my body shake and I grunted in annoyance. I felt a hand land in top of my cheek and I put mine over it pulling it off. The hand came back and began to hit me softly. I open my eyes and see that it's Peters.
"Ned wants us to leave," he said groggy as he sat beside me, eyes still closed.
"It's not that I want you to leave, but it is 8 and I still need to do homework." He said apologetically.
"SHIT IT'S 8?" I said jumping up and gathering my things and frantically putting on my shoes. I open the door and begin to run out of the house.
"HEY WAIT UP!" Peter yelled running after me.
"Bye Ned!" We both yell at the same time.
     "Dude, my mom's going to kill me!" Looking down at my phone I see 20 unread messages and 5 missed calls.
"You're going to be digging your own grave..." he said laughing. I look at him and roll my eyes.
"Speak for yourself Peter. Mays going to go off on you when you get home. And you know that when she freaks out you freak out. So good luck with that." I said, patting his back. We both quicken out pace, soon enough we're on a full on sprint. I've always been able to outrun Peter, despite having small legs. It wasn't by much but it was one thing that I could beat him at.
I was a bit shocked when he passed me and ended up about 5 feet in front of me. I slow down to a jog,out of breath. I put my hands on my hips and look as he turned around and began laughing. 'Since when did he get so fast? Holy shit.' He began to jog over to me, a smile still plastered on his face.
     "Well, well, well...someones a little slow tonight huh?" He said giggling.
"Whatever, I let you pass me," I said trying to hide my heavy breathing.
"Besides, I'm in a good mood. So you're welcome." I said giving him a toothy grin.
He laughed a bit, shaking his head. We were still a good walk away from our apartment. But it's not like I really cared, Peters with me so I felt safe. The streets seemed really quiet tonight, which was kind of weird considering that it was only 8.
I felt eyes on me as I walked,I turn to look at Peter and see that he's staring at me. He quickly looked down at the pavement, smiling, his cheeks turning a light shade of red. I did the same and give a small laugh.
"So, d-did you get a lot of homework?" He asked, shoving his hands in his pockets.
     "Actually yes, more than the first day. I'm probably not going to finish it all." I said sighing.
"I can stay over and help, i-if you want? I finished most of mine during classes."
"No, it's cool. I'll just tell my mom I'm not feeling well and finish it all tomorrow. Thanks though," I said smiling at him.
"Actually I have to go out to take pictures for the project in photography. You wanna come with me after school to help?" I asked him, hoping he would say yes.
"Yeah! That would be cool, we can go into the city to get some cool shots." I loved hearing the excitement in his voice. I gave a grin and he returned it.
We arrived at our building and headed upstairs.
"Good luck with May..." I said smiling at him.
"Yeah, thanks, I'll need it. Good luck with your parents," he said as he rubbed the back of his neck. He opened his door and the second it closed I heard May screaming. I chuckle and shake my head, knowing that I'll be hearing about this tomorrow. I open the door to my apartment and walk inside. All the lights were off except for the light from the TV in the living room.
"Becca? Is that you?" I heard my mom ask, I flinch, as I look over to the couch and see her sitting there.
"Yeah, sorry, I kind of feel asleep at Neds..." I walked closer to her and she keeps staring at the TV. Once I get close enough, she turns her head to look at me.
"Oh honey, it's ok. As long as you were with your friend. But next time answer your calls and text. You almost gave me a heart attack!" She said holding her head in her hand.
"I know, I'm sorry. I promise I will next time." She patted the seat next to her and I sat down, holding my knees to my chest.
     My mom looks over at me and her eyes widen.
"Rebecca! What happened to your nose? Are you okay? Did this happen right now? Where you walking home alone? Why did-" I cut off her frantic questions.
"MOM, mom... I'm fine. I got hit today in P.E with a volleyball. It's fine. And I didn't walk home alone, Peter and me walked back together, I was fine." I said calming her down.
"Dear God. Well, I'm gald you're okay. Do you need an Ice pack?" She said about to get up. "No no no, it's cool I got it, really." Getting up I went to the kitchen. I grabbed a zip lock bag and put some ice inside it. I went to my room and layed down in my bed. I heard my phone vibrate in my pocket and I saw that it was a text from Peter. I smiled as I unlocked my phone.

Peter- How'd it go? Did they kill you?

Becca- Nope, actually my mom took it pretty well 😂 how about you? You made it out alive so it couldn't have been that bad

Peter- I made it out alive but my ear drums didn't...

Becca- 😂😂 sucks for you Pete. Hey, did you finish the English homework? Cuz I have no clue how to do it.

Peter- yeah I do. I'm not giving it to you tho. I'll come over and help you tho! Maybe that way you'll learn something

Becca-... You know what I'll take you up on your offer. Even tho you're being selfish.

Peter- alrighty then! After school I come over we work on English and then we go out and take some pictures

Becca- awesome! Can't wait! Do you wanna ask Ned if he wants to come??

Peter-nah, he said that his mom's taking him out to see his grandparents

Becca-ah ok. So I'll see you tomorrow after school yeah?

Peter- Yes! See you then 👊

Becca- see you then 🤘

     I put my phone back on the nightstand, and grabbed the laptop that was already on it. Since I'm not going to school I decided to watch a movie on Netflix.
I look through until I decide to watch Can't Buy Me Love. I don't even know why I scrolled so long, I always end up watching this movie.
After a few more movies and a couple episodes of The Office, I decided that it was best if I got at least 4 hours of sleep so I turn off my laptop and pray to God that my mom let's me stay home tomorrow.
Sorry for the slow updates!! I hope you're all enjoying this!

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