Chapter 2

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     It was currently 7pm on Monday night. I've been working on my homework since I got home from school and I had finally finished! With only a couple distractions from Tommy who had arrived 2 hours ago from his friends house. I lay in bed looking at the ceiling, tired and bored as shit. I grabbed my phone off the nightstand which was to the right of my bed and texted Peter.

Becca- Peter.

Becca- I'm bored.

Becca- come over!


     Since Peter didn't answer I had to find some way to entertain myself. Not like I could go outside on a walk unless I planned on getting mugged. So I did the next best thing and go out to my fire escape. I wrapped my hair into a messy bun, open the window, and step outside. It was kind of cold and I was in shorts...I could get sick. But then again if I did get sick I could get out of school.
I sat on the stairs and looked ahead to all the millions of lights blinking in the distance. I felt my phone vibrate in the pocket of my shorts. I grabbed it and unlocked it to see that I got a Snapchat from Ned! I got up, leaned my arms over the railing, went on the app and watched the video.
*Ned showing his Lego Millennium Falcon*
*end of video*
I giggled at how happy and excited he was about it. Even though it did cost him $799.99, as long as he's happy, I'm happy! I was about to reply to Ned when I heard a loud car horn, it started me and I lost the grip on my phone.
"NO!" I watched my phone as it fell to the ground. Not even a second later I saw a string of some kind pass in front of me, it grabbed onto my phone. I looked above and guessed it...Spider-Man dangling from the railing of the fire escape above mine. He let go and landed on mine. He had pulled my phone back up.
"You should really be more careful with your phone! That was so close!" He said handing me my phone.
"Uh, H-Hey I'm Spider-Man!" He said from under his mask.
"Yeah...thanks for the phone," I said directing towards it, "And yeah. I know who you are. Most of New York City knows who you are," I said chuckling.
"Not even! I would say at least the entirety of New York!" He said joking, crossing his arms in front of him. I gave him a small smile and close my eyes.
" was nice meeting you Spider-Man" I said as I made my way back inside.
"W-WAIT!" He exclaimed as he gently grabbed my arm. I look back and him and raise my eyebrows.
"Um you're leaving s-so soon?" He asked rubbing his neck. I pulled my arm away from his hold.
"Yeah well some of us don't have the leisure to go around saving people. I have school tomorrow so I have to go. Sorry to dissapoint." I said giving him a sarcastic smile. I went back into my room and locked the window, I saw that he was still standing there looking so I gave a wave and shut the curtains harshly. 'Wanting me to stay out with him, HA! Just because every other teenage girl he's ever talked to wants to drool over him doesn't mean I will' I thought to myself. I wondered how many other girls he had tried to talk to. Maybe I was being a bit harsh, but I had to give myself credit, I could've been a complete ass hole. But I wasn't. I just...I don't know. There's just something about him that I don't like, I feel like he thinks everyone has to like him.
     I look at my phone and notice that it still have strands of, what I now know, is webbing. I pick them off and put my phone back down on the nightstand, completely forgetting to message Ned back. It was now only 7:30pm. Only 30 minutes had past but I was dead tired at this point. I decided to go to bed early so I turn the lights off and head to bed.
~Next Morning~
     I looked at the clock on my phone, it said it was 4:36am. Great, I managed to wake up 3 hours before school starts. I wipe my face with my hands and look at the window remembering what happened last night. I shake my head and smile thinking of the situation in my head. Never did it cross my mind that I would meet Spider-Man by him saving my phone. Of all things.
"Uuugggghhhh....fuck" I groaned, remembering that I needed to pick out my clothes again. I got up and went to my closet once again. I picked out a red top, black shorts, a jean jacket, and my white converse. I got changed and texted Peter.

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