Chapter 6

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     Quickly I found a place with no one around. I got the suit out of my backpack and put it on. I webbed my bag on a tree and began to make my way to wherever the problem was going on.
Loud screams erupted from a playground nearby. I hurriedly swung my way to the scene, and saw that there was a man dressed completely in black. He had a gun pointed to someone's head...a little boys head. I had to move fast.
A crowd had started to form around the two, and the cops were holding back a crying woman, who I'm assuming was the kids mom. I landed on top of one of the many playground equipments. I began to listen to what the police was saying to the man.

"Drop your weapon...and let the kid go. We can talk it out okay Mark?" The one police officer walked cautiously towards both of them.

"I'LL SHOOT YOU! GET BACK! GET BACK!" He now pointed the gun on the officer while the other arm wrapped around the boys neck. He was shaking. 'He's probably scared'.

The police was getting nothing out of him, so I decided to take action.
I jumped down behind both of them and the man turned around and harshly tugged the kid with him.

"Come any closer and I'll shoot you and the kid!" The man directed the gun back on to the boys head. He shoved his gun harder into the boys temple and he whimpered. God I had to do something, and fast! I put my hands up and backed away.

"Hey, I don't want trouble...just wanted to ask a question." Everyone's eyes were filled with confusion.

"Aren't you a little too old to be playing in playgrounds?"

"Huh?" The man was caught off guard, so I made my move. I flipped over them and while airborne I webbed the gun he had in his hand. He looked at his weapon and began to attempt to take off the webbing.

"Go!" I yelled at the kid and he ran to his mom who hugged him tightly.

     The man came from behind me and I swung myself to the playground equipment. He turned around and started to run after me, but I quickly webbed his feet together and he fell face first into the wood chips. The police took the opportunity to put him in cuffs and take him away. The crowd cheered and I jumped off and went to see the boy.

"Hey you did great buddy, you good?" I squated down to his level. He gave me a rapid nod.

"Thank you so much! Oh god, I was so scared! Thank you!" The woman said through her tears.

"You're uh- really welcome ma'am," I made my voice a bit deeper at the end.

"Stay safe okay?" I put one of my hands on his shoulder, again he gave me a small and quick nod.

"Bye!" I swung off back to where I left my bag and changed back into my normal clothes.

     I found my way back to the garden and looked around for Bec. I saw her walking along a small path that was lined with trees that had purple flowers. She looked gorgeous, I couldn't hide the grin on my face. I jogged up to her.

"Pete! I thought you got lost or something. But without you here to distract me I got some cool shots," she said holding up her camera. I playfully role my eyes.

"Stay right there...." I put my bag down on the ground and brought out my camera.

"No, I look like shit now! I'm all sweaty!"

"Don't worry about it, it'll look like...what the hell is that bright stuff girls put on their cheeks? It like makes it look like your skin is glowing?" Becca laughs at my failed attempt to name a simple make-up product.

"Highlighter Pete, it's called highlighter." She says in between breathes.

"Yeah okay whatever! Highlighter, that's what it'll look like." Becca was still slightly laughing so I just began to take photos.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2018 ⏰

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