First day

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6/19/2020 - Ah, yes, my story from 2018. This was super fun to write, and it made me super happy seeing it grow. I can't believe people are still reading this's, but, if you're new, here's something to note; There WILL be some grammatical errors, the story flows super fast, there's a lot of dialogue, and nothing in here really makes sense, but that goes for all fanfiction. Thanks for supporting this story. I'm thinking about rewriting it, someday.

If you read this, thanks, and enjoy the story. :]

Y/N = Your name
Let's do this!!

"HI, WELCOME TO MY SCHOOLHOUSE!!" A tall, bald man stood in front of me, waving his arm like a bad cartoon made by a 10 year old. "I'm Baldi, your teacher!! It's been forever since we had a new student here.." I'm the only student?? This is odd.. At least I have more time to learn math.. "I'm Y/N, nice to meet you.." 'Baldi'.. such an odd name!! Hmm.. He's gone now, Of course. "There are rules? Let's see...."
No running
No entering faculty
No eating
No drinking
No escaping detention
No fourth wall breaks
"Fourth wall breaks?? What is this, a game??" The bell rings, and I run as fast as I can to the classroom.
Baldi's staring at me with an annoyed expression, hand next to a....ruler? What's that for? Baldi's blank stare slowly turns into a mad expression. Oh lord. "You're late." He taps the table with his finger. I smell trouble...!! "S..Sorry sir!! It will never happen again!! I promise!!" Baldi's expression turns into a crusty smile... It's too wide to be not threatening. "It better not happen again, Y/N. If so, there will be consequences~!" He scares me. I sit in my seat—IT'S SO UNCOMFORTABLE.
The board says, Math = more math math math math math.. What the heck?? Okay then.. "Time for everybody's favorite subject; MATH!!" This guy sure loves math. It's like a young kid loving a cookie. It's almost.. Adorable. "Uhhh.. Y/N?" I stop zoning out. "Errr.. Sorry sir!!" There was silence for what feels like an eternity, until he taps the board with his eraser. He erases the math message and writes 3 equations.. These are EASY!! Maybe too easy.... 2+1, 3+5, and 6+8. I write down all the answers, which were correct. "Yay! You exist!" He says in a cheerful tone. "Of course I exist.. heheh.." This is weird. Oh gosh.. "Come here for your prize!! A shiny quarter!!" He flicks the quarter into my hands. "Class dismissed. DON'T BE LATE!" I get a shiver at that last part.. A consequence?? Is that what the ruler is for??!!" I go to the cafeteria, insert my quarter in a machine, and I get.. BSoda? What's that?? I open the bottle, and half of it goes flying forwards. "Huh?? What the.." I drink it, it burns my tongue but it's better than nothing. I also find a chocolate bar, energy flavored, and eat that, too.

This school might not be so bad after all...

That's it. If I get enough readers, I will make another part to this story!!
See you later!!

Baldi's summer school [BALDI X READER] (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now