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Sweep's POV

I woke up. A human walked into the Janitor's Closet near me. I figured it might be the Principal of the Thing, so I yelled. "LOOKS LIKE IT'S SWEEPIN' TIME!" I shot out of the room. "GOTTA SWEEP SWEEP SWEEP!" I swept everything. Arts and Crafts, Baldi, Y/N, the Principal, the Bully, Playtime, and the 'new' guy, 1st Prize. I was proud of myself. Zooming through the halls, I looked out for more things to SWEEP SWEEP Baldi's ruler, which Baldi already had. "GOTTA SWEEP SWEEP SWEEP" I said those words as I went back into the closet. Everyone sighed in relief and I heard slapping noises and the pitter patter of little feet. "No running in the h a l l s," I heard as my leader, the Principal, dashed out of the room, not running, but speed walking. I figured I did good for today, so I went back to sleep slEEP SLEEP.

I will write again in one second... My device has low battery hhhhhhhhhh
It's the next day.. Whoops.. I fell asleep. Time to write..

Me and Baldi we're playing tag. That's right! I wasn't getting slapped today! You cheeky readers. (Jk I love you all) "No breaking the fourth w a l l" The principal said, tapping my shoulder and teleporting me to the detention room. "Thirty seconds. Detention for y o u. Your parents will know about this one." Baldi, with a big, wide smile on his face, went into the room, slapping the ruler in his hand. I felt a light slap on my back. "You're it, Y/N!" I stood up. "I'm tired.. I don't think I can play anymore." Baldi frowned a bit, but smiled anyways. "Aww, okay. We have a few hours to go before school ends, so what do you want to do?" I snickered with a wide smile on my face, "I want to see you in a dress." Baldi ran away. "NOPE. SCREW THAT." I laughed and chased him. "aaaaaaAAAAAAAAA" I got closer to him, so I tackled him down. "Hahahahahha. Time to put on that dress..." Baldi sighed in defeat and stood up. "Fine. Where is it..?" Y/N grabbed a bag of dresses and gave it to Baldi. "Choose one~!!"

Baldi's POV

Little Y/N.. Why did they have to make me wear a dress..?! I looked through the dresses and found a green one that might fit me. "It's green.. I guess it might work." I started putting on the dress, feeling embarrassed. I was putting it on in the detention room. There are no bathrooms here.. Ugh.. I finished dressing up. I walked in the school, trying to find Y/N. "HEHEHEHEEEE!" Playtime laughed so hard she dropped her jump rope. Her tune got happier and louder. I was annoyed. SLAP. "Get out of here.." I growled at her until she ran away. "HEHEHEHEHEhehehehee"
I got to Y/N. "Baldi, you look so beautiful!!" I could tell that they were holding in a laugh. "Shut up.." I looked away. "Uuhhhrrgg..." And then they hugged me. "Woah! I never realized how skinny you were..!" Baldi's face flushed and he shoved them off. "That's.. Uhh.... Great?" Y/N took a picture. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING??"


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This is my art. If it doesn't show, comment please..


He's so cute I could marry him!! I mean, we're almost the same age.. But he's way taller than me. Wait. WHY AM I THINKING ABOUT MARRYING HIM?.. My face turned red and Baldi noticed. "HAHAHAHA!!" The bell rang and I heard him swear under his breath. "NO SWEARING IN THE HALLS!!" I mimicked the principal, who was probably eating or something. Baldi sighed and was heading to change back. "WAIT!" He looked back at me. "Can we take a selfie together, Baldi? Y'know.. For memories?" I snickered and he just sighed and grabbed my phone. "Say, MATH." I smiled and hugged him. "MAAAATHHH!" And he took the photo. "Gimme your number, Baldi. I wanna send this to you." He looked at me oddly and put his number into my phone. I smiled. He ran away to change. I went into class, seeing a new student standing up and getting ready to introduce himself.

That's it!! I'm still taking more BBiEaL OCs. Hope you enjoyed....and this is picky, but I will write again at 400 readers. Thanks for reading and sorry for taking long to finish this.


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