I m p o s t e r .

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MIMIDANARWHALE Gave me this chapter idea, and Sir-Starr  made the pic. They're so nice!! Follow em' and give sum luvvvv)) (*ˊˋ*)
Sorry for another warning, but this might be offensive to some.))

Enjoy reading!!

???'s POV
"Dumb. Little. Brat. Did it really think that I was DONE threatening you?" I scowled at her.
"N-no!! Please, don't leave me to die here.. With bully guarding the door outside!!" The girl pleaded. She's a coward.. "Hah, you deserve it, b*tch. Now to get what's rightfully mine." I walked out of the closet door with a slam.
I was dressed as the girl who stole my dreams.. And now, I'll steal HER dreams, just like she has done to me.


Baldi's POV

I see 'Y/N' running towards me. "Hey, Y/N!!" I smile. "I'm not—....N-nevermind.. Hey Baldi!!"
She looks.. Kind of off today, but I brush the thought away. She smiled at me and grabbed my arm.
"Let's eat lunch together.." She practically dragged me there, not waiting for me to catch up.

"You seem..off..are you sick?" I asked, worried for my girlfriend.
"Psshhh, I'm fine. Besides, What's the use of feeling blue when I'm with you, dear?" She smirked.


"Look, girl. Eclipse told me to keep you here NO MATTER WHAT, and I am not disobeying her." He rolled his eyes.
"Did she offer you candy?" I sighed. "YES" He answered. "Uuuugggghhhh...."

I tried to struggle against my rope, but it was too well-tied to free myself.
"Awwwwwwwww... Shoot."

Eclipse's POV: "Everything is going perfect!! Me being dressed up as Y/N, AAAH!! I just love it.
Baldi loves me. And that's what matters.
He kind of noticed that I was a little....off. I can fix that.
I can fix that very well. I made an evil grin and Baldi cocked his head to the side. "Are you..alright??"
"Never been better."


I never let Baldi leave my sight. Even in the bathroom I always kept a camera facing his....
.....definitely his face..

Err, anyways, when he gets out of the bathroom, I always hug his arm and tug him along with me.
Though, he doesn't want to go in the bathroom with me.. Whatever..
I always meet him outside. He NEVER leaves. EVER.
Loofti knows that I like him so she decided to say back. Good girl.

Loofti's POV

I am staying away from that WEIRDO!! She is just... ugh.
She threatened to slit my throat even if I was a ruler-length away from Baldi..?!?!
Like, MY GOD!! She is even clinging onto Baldi 24/7!!
That's right. I know about her little plan. I overheard her scheming it with The Bully.

She looks ugly in Y/N's clothes..I'm on Y/N's side this time.
I'm going to help her.


"Hey, Bully. Want some candy?"


A girl held a candy bar and a BSoda. "L-Loofti??!! Don't tell me you're working with Eclipse, too.." I sobbed.
"Don't worry, little weirdo. Eclipse is a freaky, clingy person when it comes to baldi boi." She sighed.
"YESYES GIMME N O W" Loofti gave him the candy and ran out with me in her arms.

"NOT CATCHING HER TODAY, JACKASS!!" Loofti taunted Bully and hid in the Janitor's closet.
"I can walk myself, Loofti...." I chuckled and blushed.
"After that? No way, you little Baldi-lover." She snickered and unwrapped me from the ropes.


We talked and made up a plan.
Gee, I hope this works..

GEEBERS IT HAS BEEN A WHILE OH MY LORD.. Thanks for sticking with me!! I've been really lazy :')


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