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Peter slowly adjusted to his new life and visited May every Wednesday, Friday and on the weekends. The public loved Spider-Man, although Peter found it distracting. Tony always comforted him about it. 

'It's ok kid. I'll die down. They just love a new star, that's all.'

Peter turned to Tony with a serious expression , his face was covered in cuts and bruises. 'Tony. I am not a 'star'. Everyone would have gotten out of that bus earlier if they all weren't distracted by getting photos of me. Less people likely to get hurt-' 

'-No one got hurt Peter, you saved them all'

Peter looked down, 'Yeah no one else got hurt' he mumbled.

'What do you mean 'no one else' ?'

'I heal fast Tony. But if I hadn't intercepted in time, that could have been a little kid. You should of seen how petrified she was Tony. She was only five. Five.

Tony looked to the floor. 'Why didn't you tell me you got hurt?'

'Not my point Mr Stark!'

'Kid, why didn't you tell me?'

'I'm fine.' 

'No you're not. Let me help you'

'I'm fine'

'Peter' Tony said putting his hand on Peter's shoulder. Peter winced.

'Peter you're clearly not fine'

Peter took out his phone. 'Watch this first. A bystander recorded it' 

Tony hesitantly took the phone and hit play. 

'Get out of the way!' Peter (as Spiderman) shouted as an out of control bus sped down the road. As soon as people saw him they pulled out their phones. 'Get out of the way!' he ran onto the road and rushed people off. Peter turned to see a five year old girl standing still, in shock, as she watched the bus speed towards her. Peter ran over to her and crouched to picked her up, but it was too late. He could see the bus behind the girl. He quickly grabbed the girl and turned, protecting her. He a piece of the bumber impailing his side. 'AHH!' he cried in agony. The metal broke off the bus as it spun down the road, then stopped as it collided into a pole. Peter stumbled, the metal was still in him and he was bleeding heavily. Pulling himself together he got up, carrying the girl with one arm, and took her over to her crying parents. 'T-Thank you, t-thank you f-for saving our little g-girl' he nodded slowly, the little girl's parents say his injury and let a gasp. 'WE NEED AN AMBULANCE!' the dad called, 'SOMEONE CALL AN AMBULANCE'. Peter began to wheeze, and not long after he fell to the ground, unconicous. The screen went black, the video ended.

Tony had tears in his eyes. He tried to speak, but couldn't find the right words.

'That was this morning.' Peter said, breaking the silence.

Tony looked at him confused, but Peter continued, 'When you were out. You said you were at a meeting. I tried to call you, but you didn't answer.'

'I-I'm sorry' Tony said. His hands were starting to shake.

Peter knew what Tony was thinking, 'The little girl's parents got me in an ambulance, the dad came with and made sure they left my mask on. I had a pierced lung. That's -uh- why I couldn't breathe'

Peter unzipped his jacket and lifted up the right side of his to reveal the bandages covering the stitches.

'You should still be in hospital' Tony said quietly.

'I snuck out' Peter said, 'They fixed me... and I wanted to get back before you found out'

Tony looked at Peter, concerned, 'Why?'

'Just forget it' Peter mumbled, getting up to go to his room.

'What happened with your shoulder?' Tony said, before Peter walked away. 'It got burnt. Don't worry I went to the infirmary' Peter said, leaving, without giving Tony a second glance.

Something is up with Peter, Tony thought.

Tony gave Peter a couple of minutes then went up to his room.

As Tony opened the door he saw Peter reach into a purple pill box and pop some tablets into his mouth.

Just before he put them in his mouth Tony shouted 'What do you think you're doing?!' His voice full of concern.

Peter turned the pill box around, 'They're sleeping pills.' he said calmly, 'And their prescribed.' He held up a little piece of paper, his prescription. 'I just take two when I want to sleep' Peter held out his hand revealing two pink tablets.

'Kid...' Tony said looking down, 'How long has this been going on?... How long have you not been able to sleep?'

'A couple of weeks...' Peter mumbled. He really didn't want Tony to get concerned about him. He knew Tony cared about him, but he also knew Tony had anxiety, and he didn't want to make it worse.

Tony didn't know what to say. He wasn't mad, it wasn't Peter's fault. He had anxiety, Tony knew how it felt.

He walked over to Peter's bedside table and picked up his glass of water and gave it to him.

'Get some rest. We can talk later' Tony said with a soft smile.

Peter replied with a look that said 'Thanks for understanding'

Tony walked out of Peter's room and closed the door. Peter took the medication and instantly felt drowsy. Before he knew it his head was on his pillow and he was asleep.
Sorry I took so long to upload this story! 1 part left
Hope you're enjoying it!
Have a great day/ night Xoxo

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