A job- Chapter 3

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Jungkook's POV:

I walked through grass, this place looks familiar... it's my house... my old house, the house which me and my mom used to live in... the sky was grey, the clouds were forming a storm. I walked without stopping, looking around me, a sort of unsettling feeling came to my stomach, I noticed something in the distance, a figure, it looked like a woman. I came closer while feeling my heart beat even faster. The woman turned around facing me.



"What did you do?"

"What do you mean... I didn't do anything..."

"You killed me, Kookie. You forgot me."

"Mom... mom I tried... I tried so hard... I didn't forget you... I miss you mom... it's hard on me..."

"You disappoint me Jungkook. Your a disgrace to me."

"Mom... I tried... please forgive me... I want you with me... nothing is easy anymore... everything... everything is a hell for me..."

"Your so selfish, I guess you really forgot didn't you? You disappointed me."

"I'm scared... please don't leave me... mom, I miss you... don't leave me..."

I tried hugging her, but I couldn't, little pecks of dust flew through the air, she disappeared little by little. My face was filled with tears, I called her name, yelling, and begging for her to come back. I looked around hoping if I'd find her, I yelled without stopping. I looked at the sky as it became black, the grass disappeared, everything started to disappear, and now it was just me. Just me.

"Kookie?! Wake up!!" Yoongi yelled

I slowly opened my eyes, looking at Yoongi, he was worried and shocked. I looked around me, I was dreaming...it was all a dream.


"Kookie... What happened...? You were yelling and crying in your sleep... What happened baby?" Yoongi asked

"I had a bad dream Hyung... it was my mom... she... she said how disappointed she was in me... it was awful..."

"Kookie... it was just a dream ok? Your mom loves you," Yoongi said caressing my hair "She will always love you." Yoongi added

Yoongi hugged me and wiped my tears away, I felt like, maybe that wasn't a dream... maybe it was a message from my mom... saying how disappointed she was of me... Yoongi backed away and kissed my forehead gently.

"Let's go somewhere today ok? Let's forget about this and go somewhere." Yoongi said smiling at me

"Ok hyung... thank you."

"We can go to your favorite ice cream shop, remember when we used to go there?" Yoongi asked. Me and Yoongi used to go on the weekends at my favorite ice cream shop close to our house, but now we don't go as much... because of me... "What do you think?" Yoongi added

"That sounds perfectly fine for me."

I got out of bed putting on my shoes, me and Yoongi headed outside walking towards the ice cream shop. On our way there we saw a poster on a street light, I took a closer look on it.

 On our way there we saw a poster on a street light, I took a closer look on it

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"A job... they're hiring, hyung, I can sign up here. I can get a second job."

"Are you sure Kookie... an assistant?" Yoongi asked

"It's better than nothing."

"It's your decision, if you want to, go for it. I won't stop you." Yoongi said

I got my phone out and took a picture of the poster, I was somehow a bit excited and nervous for this, I needed to try something new... so I can finally earn more money and get out of here with Yoongi, just like we have always dreamed of. We finally headed towards the ice cream shop, and I ordered me and Yoongi's ice cream, my favorite flavor was strawberry while his was vanilla. We sat down on one of the chairs, we talked about the many possibilities that this new job can offer. He looked scared, and worried. I do admit that it was unsettling for me too, but we need this, we need the money.

"Kookie... are you sure?" Yoongi asked "I worry a lot... I worry about you. Are you sure you can handle this...?" Yoongi added

"Hyung... of course I'm sure, I'll be alright. I want to do this."

After awhile we became silent, it was mostly me who became silent. I just looked at the floor, while thinking about the job. We were then done eating and started heading back home, once we got home I went to the living room and dialed the number from the poster. My heart began racing fast for some reason, after a few seconds someone finally picked up.

"Hello, my name is Park Jimin, how can I help you today?" Jimin asked

"Hello, I was wondering about the job... I believe you guys need a new assistant?"

"Oh, yes indeed we do! I'm so glad your willing to volunteer. So yes, as you read on the poster, we are looking for a new assistant. You will be Mr. Kim's new assistant, he will need help with business work, delivering, all that and etc. You will only come on Monday's, Tuesday's, Wednesday's, Friday's, and Saturday's. Your uniform will be ready for you tomorrow. You'll start at 7:45am and you'll end at 5:10pm." Jimin said

"Wow... thank you. So tomorrow I guess I'll be there at 7:45am?"

"Yes you will. Thank you for calling, and just a little warning... Mr. Kim, he is kind of cold... but I'm pretty sure you guys will do great! Thank you, and have an amazing day!" Jimin exclaimed hanging up.

I put my phone down and sighed, I sat down on the sofa, and put my hands on my forehead.

"What do you think?" Yoongi asked

"It isn't bad... I'm pretty sure about this."

"Oh Kookie... just please be careful." Yoongi sighed caressing my hair

"I will, hyung."

I stared at the ceiling wondering about how things would work out. It was obvious that I would have to keep "Chicago" a secret... I wouldn't tell anyone about it, or there could be a high risk of losing my job. Jimin said that I'd have to work with... a man called "Mr. Kim" that name sounds interesting. I was quite nervous for tomorrow, but I did know that it could be a whole new opportunity for me and Yoongi. I just hope that things go well.


"Mr. Kim" sounds interesting... doesn't it?? Hehehehe ^-^
See y'all in the next chapter byeeeee❤️❣️

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