This life- Chapter 1

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(9 years ago)

"I'll be home soon ok honey?"

"Do you promise?"

"Of course, I'll be home soon, the babysitter well be taking care of you. I love you Jungkook."

But you never came back.



I barely even remember her, all I remember is her voice, her soft hands, and her hair. I don't remember her face, after all I was 11 years old when this happened. She was all I had until I lost her in that car accident, I remember she was really happy because she got a brand new job, she was going to Seoul. We didn't have much money and there was barely any food for us. I was always scared that whenever she went somewhere she would leave me, like dad did. After my mom died, I pretty much lived on my own, I went to a group home and I lived there for 2 years until I got fostered, my foster parents weren't nice to me at all, they treated me like a slave, they used to hit me whenever I made a little mistake. One year later I decided to move away, I don't know where I could've gone, I had no one except for my friend Yoongi, Yoongi didn't have anywhere to live either, he had no family and no friends except for me. The only place where we could live was the worst place ever, a place where everyone was mean and cold, "Kard Street". (spell that backwards) Me and Yoongi lived on the streets, we had no money and no food. We lived like this for two weeks, until someone offered me a job to work at a place called "Chicago", a job that I wish I didn't accept but we needed the money, a stripper. I accepted the job, I knew it was a big mistake, but I had too. Their were other people there too, they were really cold and strict, except for one guy named Jin, he's like an older brother for me. I've been a stripper for 6 years, I get paid well but not well enough, my boss is really mean if I miss a day of work he'll yell at me or threaten me that he well do something to me, he says I'm the face of "Chicago", more people come when I'm there. My job isn't the best job ever, people well pay me thousands of dollars to have sex with them, but I decline it. I'm not like those type of people. When I meet new people I don't tell them where I work or they'll cut you in pieces. They'll make fun of you or even worse, I've learned this from experience. When you live here the number one rule is to not trust random people. For some reason part of me enjoys my job because I actually love to dance, dancing makes me let go of all my worries. I remember how my mom used to watch me dance... but why can't I remember her face? I want to remember but I can't... Ever since I became a stripper I started smoking, smoking was my new addiction. I don't smoke often though, only when I'm going through shitty days which is like everyday basically. I like the thought of being happy, but I can't. It's hard to imagine a happy life, it really is. I've had really bad relationships in the past, I was stupid and dumb. Sometimes I want to run away, but I know that he well chase me down... Jackson. Jackson is my boss but everyone calls him Mr. Wang, he's the type of guy that well haunt you down no matter what. For these couple of days I have been searching for a new job, a job that well pay me more money and I can finally pay my boss and get out of this town and go somewhere else with Yoongi. Me and him always talk about how or when we're moving out of this town, and if that day comes me and him well be exploring the world, it's a nice thought, but a scary one too. I was smoking a cigarette while looking at the sky, it was grey as usual, never have I once seen a blue sky in this town. It's always sad looking, it rains all the time too. Yoongi was playing his paino as usual, the sound was soothing and calm, it was almost time for me to go to work, I always spend time with Yoongi first before going to work, he always knows how to keep me company. Whenever Yoongi plays the piano, I start singing, I also really do love to sing, Yoongi says I have the voice of an angel which I barely believe him. I looked at my watch and realized that I only had 5 more minutes and I had to go to work.

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