bathtime | bts | cgl

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Requested by @goodasssuar



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[M/n] had been in each of the rap lines studios the whole day. The rap line themselves were off limits in their studios today. Why? [M/n] was working as hard as he could have for his mixtape in progress. The only time any member of bangtan could see [M/n] was when he briefly moved from room to room. The process of mixtape making was almost too stressful for the [h/c]-ed male. When he was working in the genius lab, a critical software error was interrupting the base of his instrumental. Which lead the annoyed male to head on over to Mon studio to at least try to fix it by re-coding the software.

"It wouldn't be such a problem of Hoseok had gotten a better keyboard." [M/n] angrily voiced out. To his surprise, he heard the door to Mon studio creak open. It was Jin holding a plate of food, along with the maknae line. "Hello, how's my favourite honeybee?" Jin asked, setting down the takeout on the desk. [M/n] pouted cutely, he was supposed to be alone. "Yah, [M/n]-ie. You should open your mouth and eat. Do you want me to feed you?" Taehyung butted in. [M/n] shook his head no and turned his chair back to the monitor. Everyone knew that [M/n] was passionate about his music. They also knew that he was just too passionate. Anyone under this roof knew that [M/n] cared too much about his music that they can't help but worry about their boyfriend.

"I-I'll be done with this song in just a minute," [M/n] yawned, "then i'll do what you guys wanted to do." the tired male tried turning his chair, but it wouldn't budge. "But bunny!" Jungkook whined, "you said that two hours ago!" he fully turned [M/n]'s chair around to face the four. Jimin took an opportunity to massage his tense shoulders. It was well aware [M/n] was stressed. "Do you need to regress into little space? You need to take a break." jin suggested. It was [M/n]'s turn to whine, "But you guys... I absolutely have to work on this," [M/n] continued whining, although enjoying the massage jimin was giving, "ARMYs are waiting..." Jimin cooed, "We know, pumpkin. You work so much, [M/n]." The shorter male was finally about to regress into little space.

He mewled and leaned back into Jimin's touch. Jungkook kissed the sides of his neck. Jin was at his other side, intertwining [M/n] and his hands. "The Hyungs are gonna set up a nice and warm bubble bath. Would you like that, bunny?" Jungkook mumbled. Taehyung moved jungkook away from the sleepyhead. "Uh huh, yes daddy kookie." The little nodded, "I-I'm so tired." [M/n] made grabby hands to the nearest person, Taehyung. Taehyung was strong enough to carry him bridal style. [M/n] snuggled closer to him. When the duo arrived they saw the sight of their other hyungs. Hoseok, Yoongi, and Namjoon were setting down the littles favourite things. Favourite rubber duck, favourite shampoo, favourite bubble gel, favourite bath bomb, etc. Yoongi was turning on the faucet, the sound of rushing water filled the bathroom. Namjoon was pouring the [favourite scent] bubble bath gel. Hoseok was about to drop the bathbomb in, until he noticed the two males presence.

"Hello! You worked so hard today, sunshine. Your daddies are so proud of you." Hoseok greeted and praised. Hoseok was basically an automatic door to little space. [M/n] smiled and beamed, "Really, daddy? I make H-Hobi prouwd?" Yoongi walked up and ruffled his hair. "Yes, baby. You make all of us proud" Yoongi answered. Hobi began undressing [M/n]. Meanwhile, Namjoon turned off the faucet that yoongi literally left and checked the temperature. The naked male had stepped into the bathtub contently. Namjoon wanted to scold the male in the bathtub, but decided against it. The little was having a good time. Giggling, splashing water, making bubble beards, etc. Everyone felt strong affection for the small childish male. "Joonie! Joonie! Joonie! Can you wasth my hair?" [M/n] asked. He absolutely loved the way Namjoon washed his hair. Not wanting to make his boyfriend feel bad, he accepted. [M/n] shifted comfortably as Namjoon was softly massaging the scalp and threading throughout his [h/c] locks.

Not so long after, Jimin, Jin, and Jungkook walked in the bathroom. Jimin holding an oh so soft calico cat towel and Jungkook holding pajamas for [M/n]. It was good that the bathroom they had was full of space. After Jin was done washing down [M/n], he helped him out of the tub. Not that he minded but [M/n] was suddenly attacked by a towel wrapped around him. Jimin pulled the shorter male to the living room. The other caretakers followed. Jimin made [M/n] flop down onto the fort previously made by the members and Jungkook ruffled his hair dry with a towel. "Bunny! I got you pretty pajamas!" Jungkook cooed. "Are they the prettiest, daddy?" The little softly asked. "Yes, they sure are! Only the best for my bunny! Let's get you changed now." The youngest caretaker replied. [M/n] gladly complied. After he was all changed, he looked so adorable. His [h/c] hair was all messy, the sweater he had on was so big on him (courtesy of his caretakers), the knee high socks had the cutest look on him, and he had the pure smile on his face."Do I look prweety?" He yawned, " I think I looks cute." [M/n] asked, playing with the fabric. As expected, he received the praise and compliments he wanted. "You're the cutest and prettiest thing ever, [M/n]-ie. But you're going to have to be our pretty sleeping beauty." Taehyung teased.

"Night night already, daddies?" [M/n] asked as he made grabby hands again with sweater paws and looked at each member expectantly. Seokjin quickly gave him his best stuffie. "Bedtime," he stated, patting the space between him and everyone else. Already in their pajamas, some laughed, nodding in agreement, and settled down beside or around him. "Sweet dreams." Every member (somehow) said in chorus. Both of his favourite hyungs pulling him close. He watched all of us for a moment, his shiny and sparkling [e/c] eyes wide, and lifted his thumb to his lips. His favourite caretaker moved forward to snake an arm around the littles waist. [M/n's] free hand moved to the nearest caretakers chest, where he palmed the skin on his bare abdomen, until they were resting on his chest. After soft snoring was heard, the members were finally glad that their boyfriend took a break. Sighing was heard from all the members. Today was the first time in a long while that he'd been in little space,, and if the members were quite honest with themselves, they hoped things like playtime, bath time, nighttime, etc would happen more.

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