am i petty? yes very much

4.5K 90 7

okay i feel very bad for even writing a chapter about this but it really bothers me. please remember to vote! my chapter with over 1k readers only gets about 25 votes, which isn't much of a difference to my chapter of 600+ reads. i just really like internet votes that dont actually matter in hindsight. okay please vote im desperate.

btw, if I but a b! before a name, it means bottom, a t! means top. I changed it so all my lovelies know whoses topping.

OH YEAH!! I'm almost done with a sope request!! so expect that being published this or next week. It's smut but I also have a silly drunk namjoon fluff coming soon for all those softies out there. namjoon i loveeee youuuuu. anyways stream mono. goodbye/badbye!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2019 ⏰

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