hands | min yoongi | fluff

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suck my dick and balls i just got a new keyboard and wrote this today. this is a small blurb before i finish the jin request.



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Being an interviewer for a list celebrities and musicians worldwide really puts a toll on [M/n's] self-confidence. So when Yoongi was making risky flirtatious remarks throughout your interview, it was very difficult for [M/n] to pick up on it. After the interview was fully over, Yoongi began tugging on a tall boy's arm. The boy looked incredibly confused for a moment, until the cute boy mumbled something to him in Korean which you couldn't audibly hear, making the taller laugh. You watched the pair walk back towards you. "Hello, I'm Namjoon, this is my friend Yoongi. He isn't fluent in English, but he would like to talk to you, so if it's alright, I'm going to translate for now." Namjoon spoke in perfect English.

[M/n] was in awe really, having someone as attractive as Yoongi go through the trouble of having his friend translate, just for him? "Oh! It's not needed, I can speak Korean just fine. I'm a worldwide interviewer, you know." [M/n] waved his hands around in reassurance, a habit of his when he gets nervous. The brunette pushes RM away out of embarrassment. Namjoon can only laugh and walk away from the situation. He asked you out on a date afterwards, getting very red and flustered when you accepted and told him that you would never expect someone as attractive as him to ever be interested in you.

[M/n] was surprised to say the least when Yoongi actually had not been playing a prank on him. He tried ruling everything that lead to it being one. The [h/c] male thought that Yoongi would have a full schedule in America. He knew all too well that he was looking for an excuse that wasn't about his looks. The Korean male showed up in attire that had outshine [M/n's]. Once the males got a seat, it was obvious that the older was nervous from the start. When he pulled out the chair for [M/n], it made a loud creaking noise catching attention of people around them. The least the interviewer could've done was thank him and sit down for the poorly executed but nice gesture.

Having a date at a five star restaurant is what [M/n] would expect from such an attractive guy. What he would never expect is the same guy complimenting him throughout the night. It made his heart flutter in joy. After [M/n] ordered both of their meals, and while waiting for them to arrive, the waitress brought the standard bread and water. [M/n] tried to make small talk across the table, wanting to know him as an individual than someone in a group. Chatting about their love of music, [M/n] noticed how tense the musician was. He carried on the topic, but was questioning the mannerism. Yoongi ran his thumb over his index finger, clenching and clenching his fist, his hand moved slowly towards [M/n's].

Unfortunately, He spilled the glass of water onto [M/n's clothing. Yoongi immediately apologized and stood up quickly, grabbing napkins and furiously trying to dry him up. [M/n] assured him that it was nothing. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! You should wear my blazer to cover it up." Yoongi offered, already taking off his blazer. [M/n] was practically swimming in it, it covered the wet spot and it covered everything from his shoulders to his knees. [M/n] thanked him and sat back down. After a comfortable silence, they finished their meals. The pale male paid the bill for still feeling bad for the spill. He escorted you out of the place, his hands resting on the youngers waist.

While walking to where [M/n] was supposed to meet his taxi, he rambled on how much he enjoyed time together. The blazer had covered his hands creating sweater paws, so when he nervously moved his hand around, the sleeves would flop around cutely. Yoongi ran his hands through his hair. He had cut you off mid-ramble.

"I've been fascinated by your soft hands since we met yesterday, can I please hold them?"

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