the chair broke... | t!min yoongi | smut + fluff

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based on the chair incident (see photo above).



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Yoongi dreaded buying brand new furniture. Buying one physically in store was too much energy. Handing the hassle of fans were more energy draining. Money wasn't an obstacle. However online shopping took too long to ship. The cherry on top was having to assemble it. So when Namjoon offered a chair, Yoongi was happy to accept.

that was until his boyfriend had the brightest idea. Yoongi would punish [M/n] once he came over again. All the blame was put on him and Namjoon. If Namjoon had a sturdier chair, maybe [M/n] could've gone on for longer. [M/n] had a perfect distraction from Yoongi's work. Himself. Their intimate session was interrupted when the chair made both lovers fall. The older males idea caused too much weight for the chair to handle. The wheel popped right off. Yoongi can remember the whole ordeal from start to finish.

It was a particularly late night in the genius lab. The members had gone out to eat. Excluding him and [M/n]. Yoongi was almost at an effort to persuade [M/n] to let him get back to his work. He was lost in the pleasure of [M/n's] tongue. Mere minutes before Yoongi did try, "This is going to be one of the worst ideas you've come up with." In [M/n's] defense, Suga was the one who came up with ideas. One time, Yoongi thought it'd be great to have made [M/n] worn lingerie under his clothes.

It does sound like a normal idea in hindsight. The thing is, the clothing was see-through. What both males forgot is that army has a good eye. The fans exploded with articles, jokes, edits, etc. The company was thankfully not concerned at the time of the truth. The idols image were kept clean. With bighit stating that the lace was part of the shirt.

"If this turns out to be horrible, we can just learn from our mistakes." [M/n] retaliated. Yoongi quirked a brow, "Do you really ever learn?" With every idea they had done, [M/n] always wanted to give it a second try. Even the lingerie. It was really hard to believe him. Yoongi held in a moan when [M/n] bobbed his head down further.

[M/n] murmured, "I think you're as hard as me now," he teasingly gave a few licks and swiping his tongue over Yoongi's slit. "Don't you want to want to do this on a bed instead of Namjoon's chair?" Yoongi asked, not wanting to have sex on the same place Namjoon's ass has been on. Yet, he only watched and let [M/n] get his way of moving down the rest of his clothing.

[M/n] only shook his head a firm no, discarding his own clothing, along with underwear. Yoongi stared at [M/n]s hard throbbing cock. "How did you get so desperate from no satisfaction?" Yoongi teased. [M/n] pouted, "it's all your fault that you made me so horny." [M/n] fitted his legs on each side of the hand me down chair. [M/n] lowered himself down on Yoongi's aching cock. Despite being stretched, he made an audible hiss from the sting.

The noise was just loud enough for it to drown out the small creak from the chair.

"Did you stop the recording?" Yoongi had grunted, too lost in the pleasure of [M/n's] tight walls engulfing his dick. "Just edit it out. I don't care if the fans hear either." [M/n] lifted his body up slowly and swiftly pushed down. He sighed in content loudly before repeating his actions. An audible gasp and an "Oh fuck." was heard once [M/n] could feel his prostate being stimulated already. He shut his eyes and Yoongi's speculation was correct. [M/n] was getting too caught up in the act. The blonde moaned from hearing the skin on skin action.

"[M/n], the chair," The older male panted, "slow down, please." [M/n] disobeyed his pleas and continued happily bouncing up and down roughly. Soon both lovers had felt the overwhelming feeling in their abdomen. [M/n] cried out Yoongi's name along with a string of curses. He desperately clinged on to the others arms for support.

Moments after that, the old chair couldn't support the piled weight. The wheel broke off and the chair was falling backwards, having the loving moment ruined. Yoongi was pushed farther into [M/n]s hole. It hurt him more than the position he was left in. His limbs were tangled and intertwined with Yoongi's. And both males didn't dare move in fear of hurting the other. "A-are you okay?" [M/n] asked, although yoongi was to be in less pain.

"Yeah I'm alright. Are you, love?" Yoongi worried. [M/n] nodded, carefully removing himself from his cock. His hole ached, but he'll be fine after some aftercare. Suga joked, "I think my hypothesis of this being a bad idea was correct." [M/n] turned his head in the opposite direction, blushing. He mumbled something along the lines of "shut up." and "blue balls." Yoongi laughed in amusement. "It was your idea to have sex on Nam-" [M/n] interrupted, "Don't even say his name. Let's just go to the bedroom before I get even more flaccid." A nice and bright red appeared on [M/n]s cheeks as they both stood up. "Now that's a good idea." Yoongi jokes, grabbing [M/n]s hand and pulled him into his room.

It was a funny story to the idols the next day. Not humorous at all to the victims. It wasn't as Yoongi told the story in graphic detail to his peers. Just the keywords that made the wheel depart from the chair. The relentless teasing from the members early morning was too sapping for both lovers. It came to rest in late night, with the members asleep side from the rap line and [M/n]. At midnight, banter of the chair breaking was talked upon on twitter. 'That should be the end of it. Right?' Yoongi thought to himself. He snapped out of them when he heard his door open. The main culprit waltzed in his room with leftovers of takeout.

[M/n] saw the sight of a confused Suga crowded with office chair parts to assemble. "This is what you get for accepting hand-me-downs from Namjoon of all people." [M/n] bickered. Yoongi had scoffed, he had nothing to be blamed for! "Hey! You are the one to blame!" Both males pouted at one another, one in frustration, the other in hopes of being left off the hook. "It was wrong on me on my behalf, but I brought food to make up for it! Sooo-" The blonde shushed him with his finger, "You're still getting a punishment, baby." [M/n] pouted again, in annoyance this time. "I want food first!" [M/n] demanded, already plopping down the food on the floor. Yoongi groaned, but continued to get back to his previous activities. [M/n] fed Suga as he struggled building a new chair. At least both of them learned their lesson of knowing that chairs can't support two people. Even in promiscuous acts. However, they knew that they can support one another.
Hey y'all so this is incorrect yoongi likes building furniture my one shot is forever invalid

━━━━━━━━━━━━Hey y'all so this is incorrect yoongi likes building furniture my one shot is forever invalid

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