police officer | t!byun baekhyun | smut

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please request. i've been writing smut too much lol.

part one.



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"Hnn" The young male groaned of exhaustion. The last thing he remembers is him happily strolling around town after completing his mission, then he took a shortcut and found himself struggling to get out of a strong grip and passing out. With the little energy he had, he tried to stand up. Keyword. Tried. The unpleasant cold medal around his wrists automatically made him realize he was handcuffed to a pole behind him. Took him awhile to realize that his arms were above his head. [M/n] made observation of where he was. The room was entirely empty and quiet with his breathing, until he heard footsteps coming closer and closer. [M/n] shut his eyes, not wanting to know what would be in front of him.

"Rise and shine, oh great hacker." Said a voice in front of him. [M/n] clenched his eyes harder, knowing who was right in front of him."You know, shutting your eyes won't change anything that'll happen." The other voice teased. 'I screwed up, big time.' [M/n] thought. [M/n] was apart of an organization, his role as a hacker was dangerous to say the least. That damn deep voice in front of him was no other than Byun Baekhyun. Baekhyun was basically the worst. He was a cocky arrogant bastard in [M/n]'s views. Despite being in different organizations, the one [M/n] worked at was partnered with Baekhyun's. Which meant mission and work of both organizations clashed. Which also meant Baekhyun always tried one-upping him. [M/n] stole the important files of his rival organization? Well, Baekhyun just stole all of the technology. [M/n] took and beat down 5 men in a row? Well, Baekhyun took out 6 in a row. Stuff like this continued on with their encounters and missions.

"Why do you think it's alright to talk so casual in a place like this? Let me out of here! We work together for goodness sake!" [M/n] barked and pleaded while opening his eyes. The handcuffed male noticed that Baekhyun was wearing a police uniform. Holy fuck, did he looked hot. [M/n] really wanted to brush off this wrong thought of his, yet it couldn't get out of his mind while looking at the taller male. "Nuh uh! Who knows what you'll do when you're free? You'd probably use your communication gadgets. Don't worry though, baby boy, even if you tried, I'm taking care of them right now." Baekhyun waved [M/n's] precious gadgets in front of him. [M/n] hated the fact that he couldn't grab it back.

"Our bosses are in a feud right now, which means I don't have missions with you for awhile. Your boss knows you completed your work so why don't you keep me company and kill time, will ya, baby?" [M/n] immediately barked back "Keeping you company while I am in handcuffs? Oh hell no!" Then, an idea came up to his mind, "Maybe I'll change my mind if you release me this instant." [M/n] Ignoring the other males words Baekhyun replied, "You know what, baby? I took a lot of trouble to wear this police officer disguise. It's hard to not act so suspicious. So I think I deserve to have some fun with you." Baekhyun swiftly and suddenly pulled out an expandable baton, making a 'ka-chak!' sound. The smaller male was obviously in shock. "Let's have an investigation, baby."

Baekhyun trailed the baton from the handcuffed males head to his face. Feeling something hard caressing his cheek felt really uncomfortable. Hell, even rival organizations probably wouldn't torture him like this. The baton trailed down to his chest. If his buttons weren't so loose, maybe the sadist in front of him would've not been able to circle around his nipples. This was not [M/n's] case. The hard baton poked and rubbed against his nipple. "Wow, this place seems to be hard. I wonder if this could be one of your gadgets or weapons?" Baekhyun teased. "It's not one of those..." [M/n] said with difficulty holding in his lewd sounds. Baekhyun grinned, "Hey now, that's not the only things that's hard right now." [M/n] knew the other would've been referring to himself but he really shouldn't look down. He really, really, really, really, really, shouldn't.

[M/n] did. His e/c eyes trailed down slowly but surely. [m/n's] eyes stopped at Baekhyun's waist, he noticed how much of a mess was made from himself. [M/n] lead himself in a helpless and submissive position. Hands up above his head and legs spread, twitching from the stimulation given. His own cock couldn't help but get aroused from this session. The tightening of his pants was starting to affect him, his bulge apparent. It was shameful, really. He's one of the most talented workers, a genius hacker and he's putty in the hands of his rival. Baekhyun kneeled down in front of the other. His long fingers teased the head of the zipper. [M/n] rattled and clinked the handcuffs against the pole behind him. "S-s-stop!" Yelled the panicked male. Weirdly, this did nothing but make Baekhyun want to continue even more.

The older male moved his hand back up to [M/n's] chest, undoing the loose buttons more. Before long, [M/n's] pants were unbuckled, unzipped, and already pulled down sightly. "Is being tied up and used by your enemy one of your fantasies? What a dirty slut you are." The older cooed, smirking when red clouded the others cheeks. Byun's warm hand began to slowly rub [M/n's] erection. [M/n] flinched at the touch at first, but then began to buck his hips up. Knowing that [M/n] was desperate for friction and close to his release. Baekhyun moved his hand away, after he stroked his thumb oh-so-slightly over [m/n's] sensitive slit

[M/n] made a very loud, audible whine. "B-baek- please! I need to- fuck! Please, please, I-i--i-i-i need you! Fuckfuckfuckfuck----" Baekhyun gave into his desparate begging. [M/n] was too engrossed by Baek's slick mouth sucking him off. He didn't care about his pride at this moment. His slim legs shaking, head thrown back, small gasps and whimpers, the male was putty in his rivals hands. Completely under his control, leaving him satisfied. The unrestrained male traced a vein with his tongue, "Are you close?" [M/n] nodded frantically, bucking up his hips. "Ba-baekhyun can I please...oh fuck! Can I come please, ple-" Baekhyun only stared, hand hovering above his cock. "Why should I let you? You've been a brat ever since I partnered up with you." He cooed.

[M/n] made louder mewls and moans from before, uncontrollaby squirming. Feeling Baek's mouth kissing and biting his collarbone. [M/n] was so so so close, right on the edge of climaxing. But then it comes to a stop right at the last second. Baekhyun moved his hand back to the previous movement, moving his fingers up and down. Pre-cum helping the fingers glide against delicate skin. "Please j-ju-just ngh, please l-l-let me cum! I'm so close, please Baekhyun! Y-you're bet-better at w- fuck-what I do, I admit it! Just please, ngh please let m-ahh, c-c-cum."

[M/n] gasped as the stimulation didn't stop for once, rutting against the still hand in front of him. Watching someone as prideful as [M/n] be submissive and vulnerable, admitting defeat, losing himself from a mere hand, satisfies Baekhyun. "Using your manners like a good boy. Cum for oppa." [M/n] reached his tipping point, making a mess of his work clothes and a bit on baekhyun's hand. Excessive panting was the only noise coming out of him. Baekhyun watched as [M/n] tried to mumble words he couldn't make out, [M/n's] body shaking and trembling. It's alright though, they had all the time in the world. "What are you trying to say, Jagiya?" Baek teased. "Baekhyun, please fuck me." [M/n] begged. His pride unimportant for now. The older cockily grinned.

"Your wish is my command."

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