Chapter 1

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Skipping along to his favourite song, Taeyong reached home first, and sighed when he realised no one else was here. He quickly took out all his things, when the door suddenly opened, and a screech was heard.

"PARK CHANYEOL YOU A******! GIVE IT BACK!" he turned and burst laughing. Chanyeol held Mina away from him using his arm, only making short people problems more noticeable. 

"Say 'Yeol is more handsome than my crush', then we're good."

"NEVER!" she slammed his foot, and grabbed the camera out of his hands as he fell in pain, flipping her hair as she walked away from him.

The door opened again.

"Am I late?" Taeyong shook his head, still wheezing from laughter.

"No Aisha. Where's Hansol?"

"Here! And I brought... Changmin!" everyone clapped and cheered at the entrance of his brother, running to hug him. The older man hugged them back, then frowned.

"I feel old among you guys. Told you I shouldn't have come Hansol."

"Come on Changmin. Everyone loves you here." Aisha said hugging his arm, making him laugh at the youngest.

"AYO! YO BOY'S HERE!" everyone covered their ears at the voice.

"Bambam! Shush! Keep quiet! Neighbours!" he quickly covered his mouth, and apologised. Mina rolled her eyes, and they moved to sit at the table where Taeyong had layed out his things, taking out their own as well.

"OK. So we need to raise funds, so we're gonna sell flowers since Valentine's Day is coming up." Chanyeol started.

"And that's why I brought Changmin. You're a flower expert, right bro?" he nodded at Hansol, who smiled proudly. He then looked at the others

"What flowers are you planning?" Taeyong took the seed packets and showed him.

"Roses. Red, pink, yellow and white ones."

"I've got blue too." Bambam said taking out his. "For those friend zoned victims!" he said peeking towards Chanyeol, who got what he was implying.

"It was only once! Stop it!" they laughed, except Changmin. He observed the roses, then his phone, checking the calender.

"Don't do red. The others are fine. But don't plant red ones. Now is not the right time." they eyed him as he moved the packet of red rose seeds away, putting it near the trash. He looked back at them.

"Plant many white ones." he said, and got up as his phone rang. They watched as he entered a different room to talk, then turned to each other.

"Why is he acting so strange?" Bambam broke the awkward silence. Hansol shrugged, but he noticed how Bambam was disappointed.

"Well, let's just begin. They'll take time to grow, so we need to work fast. Jooe and Mina start the gardening, Taeyong and Hansol go get more white rose seeds, since Changmin said so. Bambam and I will start on the sales and posters." everyone grunted once Chanyeol was done speaking, bored of his words. But they soon got to work as they were told.

"Taeyong. Did you notice Bambam became upset just now?" Hansol asked while they head to the flower shop. Taeyong shrugged.

"I mean... It's like he wants to plant red roses, or just didn't like Changmin leaving us after ordering us around."

"Well, considering it's Bambam, I'd go with number two. Your bro can be bossy sometimes." Hansol kicked his butt as he laughed, and they soon entered the shop. They went to the shelf for white roses, but found it was nearly empty. Hansol also noticed how there were no red rose seeds left either.

"Just take whatever is left. We can't take chances now." Taeyong nodded, taking out all the leftover packets, and took them to the counter. They paid and went back to his house, and found the girls were already done prepping the garden.

"That's all. I mean, it's enough, but I thought you would buy all of them." Mina took the bag and counted the number of packets.

"We did. These were left. It was surprising for us too, but it's actually more than enough. We can do that stem cut thing we learned in elementary, remember?" Aisha grunted at Hansol, done with his extensive memory of science class.

While Chanyeol and Bambam started working on promotional materials, the four of them started planting the seeds, having more space for the white ones.

Bambam came down to see them, and, like what Hansol said, Taeyong noticed him looking disappointed. He stopped working and walked to him.

"Hey, why do you seem down?" Bambam shook his head smiling.

"Just kinda upset we're not doing red roses. Their my favourite." Taeyong nodded patting his back, and went back to work. Once they were done, everyone washed up and sat for dinner that Changmin had brought for them.

"Changmin... Why can't we plan red roses?" Aisha asked while eating. Changmin pursed his lips, thinking.

"Just don't. I know every year they sell red roses for Valentine's Day, but, don't do it this time. Maybe next year, but not this year. Just listen to me." he spoke coldly, sending shivers down her spine. She looked at Hansol, who shook his head, implying not to continue the topic.

Mina watched everyone during the talk, and noticed Bambam glaring directly at Changmin. He looked pissed, and wasn't eating much.

This side of Bambam was new to her, and she flinched whenever she looked at him, because he was giving off a cold aura. Hansol noticed it too, and was a little disturbed when he kept glancing at Changmin. Even though Changmin was kinda bossy, he was still his brother, so Hansol didn't like how Bambam kept looking at him.

After dinner, they discussed a few more things about the sales, and everyone left. Taeyong headed off to bed, surprisingly thinking the same thing as all the others, except two.

Why not red rose?


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