Chapter 7

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Guys, check out NewKidd's new song, Shooting Star, if you haven't already.

Support Ji Hansol! ~♥~


"Hansol!" his brother called him down.

"What? I'm bu..."

"Why is there a red rose bush behind Taeyong's house? I thought I said no red roses." he half yelled.

"That's not ours, it's wild."

"Why didn't you cut it off?"

"Because it's sentimental to Taeyong. And why should we bother? It's not like anyone's gonna die." Hansol replied putting his earphones back on, but they were pulled away.

"What Changmin?"

"People will be killed! By vampires!"

And he sat explaining the whole story to his brother, at least, from his perspective.

"They feed on a red rose substance to keep their strength. But that also means danger to us, because they can kill and drink human blood whenever they want to. The season is over, but the ones in our state all survived, and we couldn't understand why. We heard they did something so they can change white ones to red. But that red rose bush could also be a reason."

Hansol listened attentively to everything being said. But he also thought how hypocritical his brother was being.

"We need to get rid of that bush." Changmin ended.

"You can't. Taeyong doesn't let anyone touch it, not even himself. You know how much Jisung means to him, and that bush is his."

"Didn't you say it's a wild one?"

"It grew like that, but, according to Taeyong, Jisung used to take care of it when he was young. He even asks about it now when we call him. So it's off borders for us."

Changmin huffed out loud, and left the room, leaving Hansol judging his brother real hard.


Jisoo waved up high as she spotted Sorn nearing.

"Hurry up! We're going to miss the movie... Wait." she said when Sorn stood in front of her, "Where's Bambam? I got a ticket for him too."

"He went to bed."

"It's only eight."

"I know. Sorry, but he was being strange. Something about a friend of his dating a dangerous girl. I didn't really get it."

"Well, then... Ah! You!" Jisoo yelled as she pulled someone, without any physical contact, next to them from the other side of the street.

"Hey! Why'd you do that you b****!?!" Donghyuk hissed, clearly pissed at how she just used her skills in public.

"Watch this with us. Bambam didn't come, and we have an extra. Let's go." and like a puppet, Donghyuk walked behind them, not on his own, but following Jisoo and Sorn's control on him.

"Ugh! Why do I even? Oh, by the way, I saw Seulgi hanging out with a guy." Donghyuk said, making both girls turn back to him.

"Who?" Sorn asked.

"I don't know, but it's definitely not someone any of us know. She wasn't acting like she knew him that long." they exchanged weird glances, then simply went to the theatre.


"Thanks alot for today Taeyong. I had a great time."

"I should be saying that, since you were the one doing everything for us." he said scratching his head. Seulgi chuckled, and he did the same. But when their awkward laugh ended, they looked at each other, both their smiles slowly disappearing.

Taeyong stared into her eyes, and and she did the same. She leaned closer, and tiptoed up to his face, but stopped when she reached in front of him.

No! Seulgi don't! You can't!

I want to!


She leaned aside and pecked his cheek, then quickly ran back into her apartment, shutting the door behind her. Taeyong stood frozen, not knowing what happened or what to do.

Seulgi ran into her room, slammed the door closed, and fell to the floor, leaning against the wall. Tears formed in her eyes no matter how hard she tried to hold them back. She tried hard not to show her feelings too much, but she couldn't. She ran away just before her eyes changed, and, as usual, she couldn't control it like the rest. They were pink, but now, as she cried, they're prussian blue.

"Why... Why can't I just be normal? WHY!?! WHY DID YOU MAKE ME A HALFLING!?!" she yelled at the top of her lungs.

"Seulgi!" Jungkook just ran in, and held his sister. "What's wrong!?!"

"Jungkook... Why can't I just be a human, or a vampire? Why do I have to be both? Why!?!" she cried into his chest as he sat confused about why she was being like this.

"Calm down sis. Whatever it is, I'm sure we can fix it, OK? So stop this, you're... Kind of causing a wild storm."

She looked up and out of the window, and saw how the clear evening sky was now dark and cold.

"Oh... Sorry..." she stood up and trudged to the bathroom, slamming the door behind her. Jungkook sat still, still hearing her tears, and was more confused then ever for his sister.

The bell rang just then, and he went to open the door.

"Hello. Sorry, but Seulgi left her napkin with me. Is she still here?" Taeyong asked coolly handing over a pink handkerchief. Jungkook took it and realised it was one of those very expensive branded ones.

"Did you go out with my sister earlier?"

"Uh... Yeah. She gave that to me because I had a small cut on my knee."

"And, you're giving it back?"

"Yeah... Why wouldn't I? It's her's, so why should I keep it?"

"Never mind. Thanks. Bye." he shut the door, and put the napkin on the center table, staring at it. Seulgi came out, and he turned to her with a weak smile.

"What?" she asked.

"Did you... Go out on a date?"

"Y... Yes..." she replied guiltily.

"I can guess why you like him."

"What do you mean?"

"He gave back this. Any other guy would have sold it and taken the money. But by the looks of it, he either didn't know about this brand, or, as I saw through him, he really is a nice guy." he said handing the napkin back to his sister. Seulgi took it, a small smile forming on her lips just at the mere thought of him. Jungkook observed her, and deep down, was a little relieved she found someone nice.

But he knew that this relationship had a big chance of failing. And if it does, Seulgi wouldn't be the same again. He can see how much she liked that man, but he could also tell that he knew nothing about them.

Just like the girl he met today.


"Hi? Um... Who are you?"

"Oh, I bumped into you that day, remember? In front of the library."

"Oh yeah. Well, it's nice to meet you. I'm Mina."

"I'm Jungkook. I was hoping that, if you don't mind, maybe we could hangout." he said giving her a bottle of latte.

"Oh, thanks! I love latte! Sure, we could hang out. Let's go!" she took his arm and started walking, and he couldn't be happier at how she was really friendly with him.

But he knew that wouldn't last long.


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