Chapter 12: Full Reunion

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"And just when I thought all of our troubles were over."

Dalianna looked around the snowy terrain where a couple of refuged Network agents from the disavowed Russian division were huddling near fires or staying in their tents or doing their business. The nearby mountains provided them cover from any helicopters that had been searching the whole country for them.

"With the Russian Division disavowed, these people have nowhere to go but run for their lives until their names are cleared." Agent Peter walked out of a tent in a dark fur coat. Beside him was Agent Robert, his longtime partner.

"How are we gonna get out of here?" Masha asked as she hugged herself by a campfire. "I'm freezing my butt off."

"They'll be watching all borders closely, and the central command might have given away any Network secret exits." Agent Robert pointed out. "We're stuck here."

"Well I really wanna leave Yakutsk already." Masha shivered. "How cold is it...negative 50 degrees?"

"That number's gone down to 70 in the past." Agent Peter placed a hand on her shoulder. "At least global warming's doing some good for us."

Masha looked sternly at Agent Peter. "That's not even something to joke about."

Dalianna sat down on the snowy ground while crossing her legs. Suddenly, her eyes glow bright red!

"Uhhh, guys, what's happening to Dalianna?" Masha pointed at the young girl who was now slightly levitating from the ground. The other agents also grew nervous and got up on their feet.

Agent Peter raised his hand. "Nothing to worry about. I've seen this before." Agent Robert raised an eyebrow at his friend.
Peter ignored it. "She's trying to reach to her Astral counterpart."

"Astral?" Robert looked back at Dalianna in disbelief. "What kind of nonsense have you been up to while we were separated?"

Dalianna's eyes suddenly reverted to normal and she slowly drifted back to the ground. "I think I know a place we can stay."

Hamburg, Germany
10:13 AM

"The Overlord will prefer to see you as soon as possible." Commissioner Frewin popped up from beside me. His distant gaze towards the surrounding buildings near the airport was only short lived. A thin smile appeared on his face as his eyes darted towards me, motioning to the bus in front of us. "Luckily we have acquired a vehicle that could accommodate your two other friends there."

I glanced at Marie and Gamma. Marie seemed bubbly and keen to talk to Casey, even showing her some photos on her club camera, making me reach for mine hidden within my pockets. Gamma on the other hand seemed more serious as she conversed with Spring and Yana although I could tell she was enjoying herself.

"Jack...why would they think that?" I muttered quietly to myself.

"You should all board the bus as soon as possible. Agent Echo will be waiting for you at the Network headquarters," Frewin said as he turned to the airport entrance. "I have other priorities and paperwork to handle regarding the recent events in Russia."
"Understood. I'll make sure they behave," I joked about my friends.

Frewin's eyes looked down to the ground. "You know, you really impressed Agent Avery. Once this is all over, we might even find ourselves working together to ensure peace in the globe."
"I'm looking forward to it." I nodded. I wasn't really that excited about it but it's a thought that's been popping up especially recently. When all of this is over, and if there really aren't any more detective groups after the HG Garden, what would that mean for us?

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