Chapter 6

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        "Wait so the point of this game is to catch a bunch of different little monster-"

        "Pokemon. They are Pokemon."

        "Right Pokemon. The point is the catch a bunch of different little Pokemon, and like fight other ones, and become like master at it?" Calum finally got to ask his question seeing that Michael had interupted him before. For the past two hours Michael and Calum had been on the couch in Michael's living room, as he taught Calum how to play a video game called Pokemon. Calum was confused as ever, and thought it was idiotic, but he kind of liked it. He could see that Michael loved it, and he wanted to be normal, so he was going to get to start liking things that Michael liked, to see if he could be a little more normal that way.

        "Pretty much. There's also a cartoon about it. It's not that bad, but I like the games more." Michael giggles as he gives the game a comand killing the little creature that had been on Calums screen before Michael attacked it. 

        "You did not just take my little- what was it? Chimchar? Yeah Chimchar; out. You do did not just do that." Calum glares at Michael while holding back his laughing. He sounded so stupid saying that, but he didn't care it was funny, trying to act like he knew what he was talking about.

        "Yeah, I did actually. Take that!" Michael laughs pushing the other boy away from him slightly. Calum faked hurt and put down the game system walking away from Michael and to the back door. Michael soon started to follow questioning what in the world Calum was doing.

        "You're mean to me, I'm going back to the forest." Calum fake cired taking a step out of the door.

        "No! Please don't leave Cal." Michael being a little bit of an idiot believed Calum's words, thinking that the boy was going to leave.


        "Uh... Yeah, it's just a nickname, I don't have to say it, sorry." Michael looks down at his feet, feeling like he had done something wrong once again. That was something he hated about himself, to Michael he was always doing something wrong. 

        "No! No, it's just that my dad called me that is all. But it's okay, I mean I was only four, I didn't know them all that well right? Your kinda lucky that you still have you dad, even though your mom isn't around anymore. She was a really nice lady." Calum rambled, not realizing what exactly he was saying. He didn't know his family, so he didn't know what it was like to still have one family member, and not the other, not to mention that Michael only lost his mother a few years ago.

        "H-how did you know my mom?" Michael sudenly asks, making Calum jump. He had stopped talking at least a minute ago, and he had been listening to the sounds of the out doors, he missed hearing the sound constantly, but he also liked it inside with Michael. It was warm, and Michael was just a nice person.

        "Oh... She used to leave food outside on the stump at the edge of the forest. I guess she knew I was out there, but never did anything about it. She would also leave me cloths." Calum says, knowing that now he had touched a soft spot for Michael. He never realized how close Michael was to his mom, but then again he should have thought of that before he opened his mouth.

        "Wow." Michael says now looking up to Calum. Calum still stood outside of the door on the cover porch, staring back at Michael was sad expresion. They moved closer together, pulling each other into a hug that neither wanted to break once they touched. 

        "I'm sorry for bringing it up Michael. I wasn't thinking." Calum said leaning his head into the smaller boys neck.

        "It's alright Calum. I'm kind of over it now. I mean it hurts that she's gone, but I'm alright with it now." Michael sighs leaning into Calum's chest. He felt so safe with him. They just felt safe together, knowing that truly they actually were safe together.

        The two boys break their hug at Ollie's barking. They turn looking out the doors to where Ollie stood outside barking at the forest. "Ollie! Come here!" Michael calls, moving closer to the door, but Calum's arms move around his waist pulling him back into the house and behind him.

        "Calum, why did you do that?" Michael asked confused at the boys actions. He looks from around Calum, seeing if he didn't see something before that Calum and Ollie were seeeing. But he still didn't see anything, just Ollie barking into the forest.

        "There's something out there, and Ollie doesn't like it." Calum says not taking his eyes away from the dog. His eyes scanned quickly every few seconds trying to see if whatever Ollie was barking at was close to the edge of the forest. Calum became annoyed that he wasn't seeing anything.

        "How do you know that? It could just be some other animal." Michael shrugs trying to move from behind the larger boy. But there was no moving, Calum had Michael stuck in that place, and he wasn't going to be moving for some time. Michael figured that out after some struggling.

        "After spending my life out there, I know how animals act, and after watching and listening to your dog for so long, I know how he acts. He doesn't growl inbetween barks when it's an animal, he hasn't even done that to me in years. There must be someone out there, and Ollie doesn't like that." Calum explains pushing Michael into the house. Michael still continues to fight Calum, wanting to get Ollie inside incase he was in harms way. Ollie was this boys best friend, he's had him almost his whole life, that dog if one of the last things he has of his mother.

        "Michael you need to stay here, I don't want you hurt. I'm going to go and check it out." 

        "What?! Are you crazy?! I'm not letting you go out there alone, that person could be some phyco! Michael couldn't believe that Calum was trying to let him go out into the forest, that sure he knew like the back of his hand, but whoever, whatever, was out there could kill him. Michael just found Calum, he doesn't want to come anywhere close to losing him.

        "Michael, I'm just going to go look. I'll be back in a flash." Calum was trying to make it seem like he was just going home for five minutes then coming right back. And that's kinda what he was doing; the forest was home to Calum, and he'd only be there for a couple of minutes then he was going to come right back.

        "Please, Calum, don't go. Forget about it, it's most likely nothing." 

        "I'll be right back." Calum says having the last word before leaving Michael standing there forzen. As Calum walks out to the forest he makes Ollie go inside to protect Michael. He continues to make his way into the forest, using all of his old hiding places to make his way through the large maze. He looks back at the house over his shoulder, knowing that he had to make it back, there was no way that he wasn't going back to that house, he needed to be with Michael. They needed each other.

        Michael most definetly needed Calum. He felt so lost and unprotected without Calum in arms reach. He was worried about the boys safety, knowing that there was a lot of crazy people out there, and whoever was out there with Calum, could be one of those people.

        Michael's horrors came to life at the sound of a gun shot coming from the forest. He didn't care anymore, he blots from his house, with his dog companion right behind him; going to find Calum.

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