Chapter 5: The Birth of a Monster

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  You had remained awake for the entirety of last night. It was fairly obvious why, as you had been unconscious for almost a week, and you now had energy to spare.

An associate of Eto, a doctor called Akihiro Kanou, had performed an operation on you that had required you to be put under anesthesia. The operation had artificially increased your Rc factor, or in other words the amount of Rc cells in your body. The only other way to get a similar effect would have been cannibalism. Although killing other ghouls or humans wasn't such a huge deal, the sheer amount of killing you would've had to do to reach your current level of power

would've no doubt caused you trouble in more ways than just one. You had chosen the easier path, not wanting to attract CCG's attention to yourself or perform massacres. The operation had thankfully worked out and you were now much more powerful than before.

In a nutshell, you had gained a power boost from Dr. Kanou's operation and had remained unconscious for a week or so. You also guessed Eto wouldn't have a lot of training left for you, but she probably had something planned.

Today was a Tuesday, three days after your return from the operation. You and Eto were sitting around at the kitchen table, sipping coffee. These kinds of moments reminded you of your life before you were dragged into the conflict between CCG and the ghoul population of Tokyo. Though you remained undoubtably bitter towards CCG for killing your parents, Eto had managed to heal some of the wounds made by CCG's actions. Some part of you still thought about Eto's hug that she gave you yesterday. You didn't really know what to think of it.

"Thinking about life and the universe again?" Eto spoke out. You quickly returned to reality from another contemplative thinking session, slightly startled.

"What?" you asked, having missed what she just said.

"Oh, nothing important." she replied.

"So, are we gonna do something today?" you asked her.

"I think we'll have a final test, to see how you've improved." she replied. You slightly cringed at the thought of fighting her again. It wasn't particularly fun, especially since she seemed to always have the upper hand with her speed and power.

"Worried that I'll beat you into the ground again?" she remarked upon your expression.

"... Yes." you replied in a slightly irritated tone.

"Don't worry." she told you, "I don't need to do that anymore. I think you're plenty powerful now.". With that out of the way, you felt much better, knowing that you wouldn't have to go through her ordeal of a training.

"Any idea when?" you asked.

"Maybe somewhere later in the evening." she replied.

"Alright." you replied. The day went on quietly. Nothing out of the usual. To you, it was nice to have a calm day every once in a while, especially with all the things had happened in the last few days. Sure, you WERE a member of the Aogiri tree, but everyone needs to rest once in a while.

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