Chapter 11: Reunion

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  You woke up the morning after your sneaky nighttime visit to Eto. You made a loud yawn as you stretched out.

You stood up and threw on some clothes. You then started packing your belongings in a pair of boxes in case Eto would in fact come to the 24th ward for you. You had already memorized her scent from her room, with which you would then track her down once you smelled her.

Once you were finished packing your things, you had two boxes; one with the files, letters and family album and one with the clothes your dad's accomplices bought you. You hid the boxes in a hole your den had in one of the walls and covered them up.

'That ought to keep any snoopers from touching my belongings', you thought.

You placed the boxes next to your mattress, on which you decided to sit on as you waited to pick up Eto's scent. You had usually sat just like you now did on most days after you had developed your sense of smell to its peak. You could detect any unusual smells from almost everywhere in the 24th ward, which had helped you build up your fearsome reputation as the "Apex Predator".

You waited for a moment until you smelled the scent you had been waiting for.

She was in the ward.

You quickly stood up, made a brisk walk out of the building where your den was, and activated your kakuja. You then bolted towards the direction of the smell. You were so eager to find her that your armor-form kakuja actually morphed to its monster form. You were now running towards her on all fours. But then you detected the smell of CCG agents again. You felt irritated by the fact they'd decide to interfere now. You continued running towards Eto's location, as the investigator was seemingly following close behind her.

Meanwhile Eto had found herself a good waiting spot in one of the more open areas in the ward. She patiently waited for you to arrive.

She didn't know what to expect. She didn't have the slightest idea as to what you looked like now, or how your kakuja had developed. She did recall reading about a monster in the 24th ward, but she wasn't quite sure who it was. She wondered if you were that "24th Ward Monster".

She then heard distant rumbling and turned to look into the direction of the sound. The rumbling was growing louder every moment. She then saw something huge appear out of the tunnel from which the rumbling was coming.

She saw your monstrous kakuja running on all fours out of the tunnel. She looked at the beast with a mix of curiosity and suspicion. She could guess that this was the "24th Ward Monster" they spoke of, judging by its appearance. She watched you run closer and closer to her, only to run past her before turning towards the remains of a building and leaping towards it. She watched how you crashed through the building's ceiling, then heard someone scream. She then saw a CCG investigator fly into the air from amidst the dust that floated around the building you had landed in. He fell into the ground with a crash. Then she observed you then leap from the ruins yourself in a feat of surprising mobility for a 21-foot reptilian monstrosity.

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