Chapter 16: Aftermath

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  Some days have gone since the Cochlea Disaster happened. Over that time, the people of Tokyo have thought of just what CCG had to do to cause that kind of destruction, and the organization itself was demoralized by the incident, as many investigators were lost on that day, and from the few witnesses that managed to survive, they told how The 24th Ward Monster, now referred to as The Apex Predator, had accused CCG of the death of Eto Yoshimura, the leader of the Aogiri Tree.

There were also quickly-spreading rumors about the Horned King in the ghoul community. This King was said to be one and the same as The Apex Predator. This sort of reputation made CCG completely ban any and all entrance to the 24th ward. This order applied to everyone, be it bureau director or the newest recruit to their ranks.

In addition, most the Washuu clan had been killed, with them being succeeded by their last surviving heir, an investigator by the name of Nimura Furuta, who now called himself Kichimura Washuu. They were also introduced to a new unit to their ranks; the Oggai, some sort of one-eyed ghoul.

A ghoul investigator was talking to one of his comrades, a woman who had managed to survive the Cochlea Disaster by a hair's breadth, though had received injuries and
was slowly recovering. She looked tired.

"So, you're saying that someone in CCG was singlehandedly responsible for the destruction of the entire facility?" the investigator asked his comrade confusedly.

"That's what I managed to collect from the few words he said." the woman said, "It wasn't any of us, but it's pretty horrible to think that an investigator would be so reckless as to not to consider the risks."

"Either way, we can't do much about it." the man said in slightly disappointed tone, "But if I find that guy, I'd make sure as to see him face justice for his actions. Instigating the destruction of a prison like Cochlea is gonna put a lot of people here in debt, since if it's gonna be rebuilt, we'll have to probably pay for it."

"We'll see what happens." the female investigator replied, "But for now there's not much we can do. The most we can hope is that the situation doesn't get out of hand."

"Yeah." the man said, "We can hope."

The investigator leaves the hospital, and walks through the streets of Tokyo towards CCG's headquarters. He saw how many pedestrians threw suspicious or accusing looks at him. Others were glancing nervously around themselves, clearly afraid or nervous.

He could sympathize with these people around him. Knowing that a building-sized kakuja, more than likely capable of destroying all of Tokyo given enough time, was somewhere underneath the city. While he had not witnessed the disaster firsthand, he had been horrified like everyone else when he saw the pictures and videos of the colossus destroying Cochlea with massive taloned hands and a fiery breath. It was like from the kaiju movies he watched when he was younger, but the fact that that sort of a monster was actually out there, and more than likely furious at CCG scared him to the core.

But he could only hope for the best and fight to live another day.

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