Chapter 18: Before The Storm

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  You had been somewhat inactive for a few days, only doing your routine checks on everyone being safe. 

This was mainly because Eto was back, and you wanted to make up for lost time.

You had caught her up to speed on the various happenings after the Cochlea Disaster, from the Oggai and Kaneki's Goat organization to the countless refugees you had managed to save and who now resided in the 24th ward.

"You've been busy when I was gone, I see." Eto said to you.

"I suppose." you said, "I didn't really think about it, since I felt so miserable."

"It wasn't your fault, though." Eto said as she moved over to sit down next to you, "That Nimura Furuta, who is now thinking of himself as some sort of a king did it."

"Oh, I know." you said as you clenched one of your hands into a fist, "If he ever shows his smug little face here, I'll personally turn him into a fine red mist."

"I like to think he will." she replied, "He's clearly intent on turning Tokyo into his little utopia where he can do whatever his sick little mind wants, so he'll have to take out any and all competition, which means killing all of the ghouls that aren't with him or are not imprisoned."

"So he'll have to come here, since most of Tokyo's ghouls have fled here for refuge." you said, "Good."

"But what are you planning on doing about it, your highness?" she asked, "A good king would prepare for war."

"That I will do." you said, "I believe some people from Goat would be willing to help keep the ward and its people safe. I'll just have to ask."

"Then we do it." she said, "While Goat is a strong organization and have powerful ghouls in their ranks, Kaneki is not a very experienced leader, which is the main weakness of Goat. They aren't organized or prepared for fighting, and are still trying to establish themselves."

"And that's where we come in." you replied, "We're both experienced combatants, and you lead the Aogiri Tree for a long time. Together, we'd be able to stop Kichimura's assault and take him out of the equation."

"Well, my king, shall we go meet the One-Eyed King?" she asked.

"Not yet." you said, "First, I think you need some actual clothes."

"I suppose I do." she said, looking down at the bloodied prison clothes she was wearing.

"But I came prepared, so it's not an issue." you said as you opened your box of clothes, from which you took out Eto's robes and a roll of bandages.
"I knew we'd have to hide here, so I decided to bring some of your clothes with me."

"How thoughtful." she said with a smile.

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