Chapter 9: Breaking Point

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  You wake up once again on the ever-so-familiar couch. For the last week and a half, Eto has been growing gradually more distant, and it concerned you. Though you didn't at first mind her having the occasional day where she would be away, but the frequency of her being off running what she refers to as "errands" has become more frequent. Plus, she hasn't really paid much attention to you. During the earlier days she'd usually check up on you, and after confessing her more personal interest in you, she'd usually cuddle up with you or at least invite you to her bed on the busier days.

But not anymore. Nowadays she usually closes her door or comes back from her activities late at night, or then never leaves the room and types away to early morning hours, even if you'd suggest to her to call it a day with the writing. This apparent indifference felt suspicious and irritated you. And, on the few occasions that she'd forget to shut down her laptop, there would be news articles or some other texts on the "Eyepatch" ghoul. You had also picked up his real name; Ken Kaneki. Judging by his age, you guessed that Eto probably wasn't cheating on you, what with him being an 19-year-old pipsqueak she had read on the news.

But you did recall that at one point Eto had considered you little more than an experiment. Was Kaneki another one of her projects? This did make you wonder what happened to other "projects" Eto had worked on afer she had had her fun with them. Were you going to be abandoned by her, just like that? Were you still just a tool or an experiment to her?

You didn't like to think that way, but her seemingly growing disinterest towards your well-being did raise this question. She had even stopped leaving you notes, which, admittedly started being more and more simple as the days went on.

You stand up and head for the bathroom. Once in the room, you take a shower, and once done, you dry yourself up, swept your hair into your preferred style, dressed back up in your clothes and went back to the couch to think about the situation. After all, she was away again. You didn't have anything to do. All the books had been read, some several times, some only once. You didn't feel hungry. Or thirsty.

All you had on your mind was what was going on with Eto, the girl who had saved you from lifetime imprisonment and an early grave, trained you and made you so much more significant than before, and who had given you hope of a peaceful life with a woman you loved. Was all that a facade, a well-weaved web of illusions? Were those words she said back then empty, was she faking enjoying those nights with you? Was it all a lie?

No, you couldn't accept such a thing. You just had to reach out to her, and maybe then that bond between you two would be rebuilt. So, you wondered how you could get her attention in her current state? You pondered for a moment. Then you thought of something that could work. You extended your kagune, and started shaping its tip to something. Once you were done, you had shaped something that required a great deal of finesse to achieve, perhaps your greatest achievement in shaping your kagune yet.

It was a bright red rose, completely built from crystallized Rc cells. Yes, it might have been cheesy, but you at least put in a personal touch. You found some paper and a pen, sat down at the couch and began writing away on the table. Once you were done, you had written her a small letter where you expressed your concern for the gap that has formed between you two. You took the note and placed it on the kitchen table alongside the rose.

You waited patiently for the moment she would go to the kitchen, be it for coffee or something else. You knew that once she'd enter the kitchen, she'd see the note and you could mend the relationship between you two. But when she came back home, she headed straight for her room without even glancing towards the kitchen. You dropped your head for a moment, but kept waiting. You knew and trusted her that much as to let her find it on her own.

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