Chapter 15: The Birth of a King

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  You had been waiting for three days now. No call from Eto to be heard of. 

You knew she had been arrested a few days ago, but the waiting was killing you, especially because you felt like if you didn't get there as fast as you could, she would wind up dead. And that was something both you and her had promised to not let happen, so having to wait felt like torture to you.

But you had managed to keep yourself restrained. Just barely. The destruction of the last remote CCG branch in Tokyo had kept you preoccupied.

That and the massive controversy Eto's book and your files had caused. Surprisingly many had been outraged by cruelty with which ghouls were treated, and ghoul rights groups had been formed, though most seemed to be quickly getting shut down by CCG. A lot of protests were held against CCG. She had whipped up quite a shitstorm with just one book.

The thing that pleased you the most was seeing some of the protesters accuse CCG of bringing this on themselves. The feeling of people being able to sympathize and understand ghouls made you happy, and also made you feel slightly more at-ease, knowing that your father and mother were finally getting justice. You had felt that way especially strongly when you saw some news even bringing up your family's tragedy, with some articles mentioning how they had more than likely made a dangerous enemy out of the family's child, you, by depraving him of his joy.

All that didn't stop you from being nervous, however. Even if Eto had done a fine job at showing humanity CCG's dirty secrets, her life was still on the line.

And you were not going to lose her.

You were now meditating to keep yourself calm. You just had to wait for Eto to make that call, and then make your way as fast as you could to Cochlea. You had already checked the fastest way there. Fairly simple; just a few turns, a good deal of running through tunnels and sewer pipes. Finding it was surprisingly easy, considering the fact that the place's connection to the sewers positively reeked of dead ghouls.

And once you would be there, you could just track her down by scent. You had already taken preemptive actions in case things went south and you would have to evacuate Eto's apartment beforehand. You had moved your clothes back to your den in the 24th ward, and the files you had already given away.

Then you heard the phone ring. Before a normal human could even process what had happened, you had already picked up the phone.

"Hello?" you asked.

"It is time (First)." you heard Eto speak.

"They haven't hurt you, right?" you asked her.

"Nothing I can't handle." she replied, "But get going. There's no have time to waste."

"Already going." you replied to her.

"(First)?" Eto asked.

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