Chapter 4: Delicious Vagary

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Chapter 4: Delicious Vagary | Bendy/Reader

(ft. Sammy and Henry)

"I. Love. Coffee." - Joey Drew would say.

Looking out into the distance, Joey would always seek a better future. A life of success, of fortune and most importantly - a future with coffee. "I don't deny myself. I drink coffee everyday"

The manager of Joey Drew Studio walked in circles, within his eyes ambition and determination shone brighter than any star. The scent of the rich dark coffee beans would bring him a fleeting expression on his face that showed malcontent, yet soon he was smiling broadly once more just by remembering the warm coffee he had earlier this morning - "Just think about how perfect coffee is. The warm, tasty drink. The steam rising up from the mug. Coffee brings us joy but also energy. It makes us productive, restless and full of life."

Mr Drew started to speak with such devotion, that no man on earth can outstand his raw spirit and love for Coffee. "So no more. No more shall you all wait, my dear friends. Today is the day - in which we all shall share the joy and blessing of having a BRAND NEW coffee machine. An automatic coffee-maker that will finally fulfill our desires of having a fresh, warm cup of coffee during work time!"

With an awe-inspiring statement, Joey's majestic speech came to an end before he turned to his crew. To his dumbfounded silent crew.



Joey's enthusiasm began to fade away, losing his spark of hope. He thought that his fellow employees were listening to him with admiration and praise, instead he was met with confused faces of still half-asleep workers. "...Coffee machine. We... we have now a coffee machine, everyone. C'mon have some excitement. Is no one going to appreciate my effort for affording you all a new kitchen area in the break rooms?"

The employees sat in the auditorium, silent, while listening to their boss' weird mumbo-jumbo. Obviously, no one was interested. Until Norman Polk stood up from his seat in the back and called on : "Hey, Mr Drew! If you're telling us about 'new machinery' - why won't you tells us about that Ink Machine that got built on top of everyone's head, huh? Got an explanation for that?"

"Yeah! Exactly!" - people started to cheer in, demanding an answer from their manager.

"Oh, right." - the man slumped his shoulder, now grunting in irritation. Throughout several months, Drew Studio was going through heavy renovation. A renovation so complex and messy, that several times during work time, the employees were forced to get out of their working station and wait until their departments is done with remodeling. The Ink Machine was built, being now the core of resources, the animators will no longer ran out of ink! Except, there are now huge pipes that rumbled and leaked everywhere. "So... as many of you have noticed we have a new Ink produced machine on the first floor-"

"Yeah Yeah, we know, a leaking loud machine that spits ink everywhere - Joey, explain why we need it!" - Norman kicked in once again, rushing Drew to spill out the truth.

"It's a Machine that will finally help our production - it's fast, it's our core source of Ink and energy, and our work will be reduced by about 40% percent!"

The crowd was silent once more, trying to comprehend if Joey'd words were any convincing to them. From the other corner of the auditorium, a young man was leaning on the wall, his face held obvious dissatisfaction. Sammy Lawrence was ready to strike with more questions : "Excuse me, but - How can you reassure us that this Machine won't be leaking? What if one of the departments got flooded?"

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