Chapter 7: Who Broke It

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Chapter 7: Who Broke It | Bendy/Reader,

(ft. Joey being an a-hole to everyone)

"And voilà!" - spreading the white soft sheets on the mattress, (Y/n) laid the bed linen with delight.

Inside the basement of the Animation Studio, a certain Ink Demon resided the place as Joey Drew demanded. Indubitably, (Y/n) disagreed with the idea of a living being inhabiting such a horrendous place: the cellar was spacious, empty and full of spiderwebs. But since that was Bendy's only home, the young lady took the responsibility to help him feel more comfortable rather than live as an animal.

Thus, (Y/n)(L/n) brought an unused mattress for her Little Devil Darling as a bed to use. With now white clean sheets neatly spread on the mattress, the lady threw a pillow and covers on top. It looked simple - cheap, even; but undeniably more comfortable than sleeping on the floor.

"Yes! Finally." - Bendy threw his entire body on his new bed with utter joy, taking in the comfort and pure smell of detergent on the fabric below him. "It's sooo soft. I thank you (Y/n)!"

Smiling in response, (Y/n) lied next to Bendy. "You're welcome, Bendy."

For a moment, the two stayed silent - no words needed to be exchanged, their soft smiles and blushes said everything. Since it was early in the morning before (Y/n)'s shift, Bendy persuaded his lady to stay with him and just read some books that they had in here. Sooner or later, (Y/n) was sitting on the Ink Demon's lap, her back pressed against his chest.

"We finally have a comfortable place for us, isn't it grand (Y/n)?" - Bendy kept his arms linked around (Y/n)'s torso. Moments like these made the Ink demon melt out of affection. His chests rising and falling against her back, their breaths in unison, while the Inky Demon held the urge to let a moan of pleasure. His fingers curled into the fabric of (Y/n)'s outfit, not clasping it tightly, but just enough to reassure him they were staying together down here. Bendy wanted to scoop her up, closer, to feel every ounce of her body - but he wouldn't dare. "Next 200 frames of animations are on me!"

"Aw, Bendy," - The female animator gasped before chuckling, her smile of a blithesome girl "You don't have to. People will get suspicious about my work getting done so fast in one night."

The taller toon narrowed his eyes - "But I have to thank you somehow. I can't just look at you going through all these troubles just for me while I sit here helplessly. Besides, 200 frames are nothing for me. It's easy."

"T-Thank you," - Miss (L/n) whispered while leaning further onto Bendy chest. Perhaps, she was getting way too close to him. "But don't you already hate the work that Joey forces you to do? He practically throws all of his responsibilities..."

(Y/n)'s word brought a familiar spark of emotions to Bendy - a spark of hatred and rage. But there was a vast difference between doing favors for his female creator and doing orders to his abuser - "Yes, dear. I hate it."

⦁ "We all make mistakes. We need to embrace our errors as life lessons to help us overcome our limitations. Unless it's a fatal mistake, which, at least, others can learn from." - Joey Drew preached to his crew in a harmonious ambiance. He kept his gaze on the floor, hands gripped behind his back - but his voice... Oh, no his voice far from soft and calming. It was threatening, bringing killing tension and dread to the young employees. "So... Who broke it."

(Y/n) along with Henry, Sammy, Susie, Norman, and Tom all stood in silence. In front of them was the coffee machine (that was bought just a week ago) broken and not functioning. "I'm not mad. I just wanna know."

Joey's demanding yet melancholic insistence of confessing the truth gushed utter fear within the employees of the Animation Studio. (Y/n)'s widen eyes peered at her co-workers, seeing as no one dared to speak up, miss (L/n) knew she had to take action before dealing with Mr.Drew's blaring behavior. "I did it, I broke it-"

"No, no you didn't." - Joey interrupted (Y/n), knowing she would say this only to save her friends' pathetic butts. Instead, the manager pressured for everyone to confess their wrongdoing, his gaze locking on Thomas Connor - "Tom?"

"Don't look at me. Look at Sammy Jammy."

"What? I didn't break it." - Crossing his arms, Samuel kept his cold approach towards the technician, frustration visible in his young features.

"That's weird, how do you know it's broken in the first place?" - questioned Thomas.

"Because it's sitting right in front of us and it's broken."

"...Suspicious." - The smart-hat that is Tom glared at Sammy harshly, only to receive huffs of annoyance from him "No, it's not?!"

Another minute of tremendous silence went by, only to be cut off by Norman Polk - "If it matters, probably not... But Miss Campbell was the last one to pass by it."

Obviously, Polk was eyes and ears of the Animation Studio - within his watchful precaution, he knew what everyone would be doing and when. Hence if Norman declarer he saw something, it must be undeniable...Luckily he was oblivious about the Bendy cutouts. But that didn't stop Susie Campbell from overreacting with a dramatic gasp - "Norman! I don't even drink coffee!"

"Oh really? Then what were you doing by the coffee mugs last time?"

The arguments started to heat up, as the dreadful silence was now replaced with rowdy insults and a hassle of a bunch of people speaking all at once. Interestingly enough, (Y/n) stayed still as she watched the group quirrell with each other "Okay, let's not fight - I broke it, let me pay for it, Drew."

"No!" - Joey raised his voice, causing everyone to shut their mouths in an instance out of fear - Who broke it?!"

Yet again, no response.

"Drew..." - a little whisper emitted from Lawrence - "Henry has been awfully quiet-"

"What, Really now?!"

Henry, who was indeed silent the whole time, started to argue with his fellow co-workers duo to his impatience. What started as a casual, tedious workday - now turned into a haywire of "He did it/She did it". The crew was now hassling over the cheap plastic of a Coffee Machine that Drew treated like his own child. Evidently, the arguments were going nowhere, but Joey Drew stayed close by, standing silently and contemplating.

'I broke it.' - Joey reminded himself.

The manager remembered how earlier this morning, when no eyes were on him, he tried to pour some coffee only to accidentally burn his hands from its hot temperature. So what a hard-boiled eccentric man such as Joey would do? Obviously, punch the coffee machine out of reflexes.

He predicts that in ten minutes his crew would beat each other's throat with war paint on their faces and a pig head on a stick

'Good.' - Drew smirked 'It was getting a little chummy around here.'


NOTE : 'Who broke it' meme from that one show that I don't know the name of, but reminds me of "The Office" although it's not. Enjoy this silly chapter.

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