4 | The prick's b*tch

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(12th August)
Aaaah Friday! What a beautiful day! Maybe that's why I got up so excited from my bed. I walked to school, because my mom was so tired from watching Netflix till late, I didn't want to bother her on taking me there with her car. My mom is young for her age. Or I'm old... I don't know, maybe both!

First class was History, with Mr. Travis. I walk inside the classroom, empty as always, and I sit at my special spot next to the window. The students start to arrive, togheter with the teacher. As he enters the class and everybody start to lower their voice and put their notebooks ready.
Mr. Travis prepares the blackboard with a timeline and facts about the subject we'll be studying today. I'm not a huge fan of History, but I really like how he teaches us.
Classes passed by, I talked to Greg with my cellphone while I took notes, because, if you don't remember, my friends were in another class, and I have no one else to talk to in this class.

During the chemistry class, we're were doing a list of exercises and I get up from my spot to go to the bathroom.
I start walking towards the front of the class and Jessica, William's girlfriend, an arrogant bitch (sorry if that's too much for you), kicks my foot when I pass right in front of her and I fall.
All the students inside that hell were looking at my face on the ground. I felt a sharp pain on my forehead, the teacher looks at me worried while Jessica, William, Craig and Bruce, the bullies/gang of pricks, start laughing and lots of students join in.
Mrs. Patty (the chemistry teacher) calls for help at the main hall and I start feeling kinda dizzy. When she came back with the nurse, my eyes closed slowly and I blacked out.

I wake up in the nursery, laid down at a not a comfortable "bed" at all. I turn my head to the side and I see through the glass, Sara, Felix and Greg with worried faces talking to the nurse outside.

*a little bit earlier*
Finally Mrs. Bright's class finished! I can't wait to eat that Tuna fish sandwich, I'm SO hungry!
I get out of my classroom and I see Mrs. Patty in front of Tori's class very worried. When I walk towards her to ask what happened I see William Tawn with his girlfriend laughing a lot. Weird.
"Mrs. Patty? May I ask what are you worried about?"
"Oh, hey Sara. I have bad news... Your friend, Tori, she fell in the middle of my class and she hit her head, now she's at the nursery." She replies.
"Wait... WHAT!?" I say surprised and very worried. "I gotta see her right now!"
"Please go! And keep me updated about her!"
"Will do, Mrs. Patty!"
I run looking for Felix and Greg, gladly they were still in the classroom, talking about Fort Knife..? Foot Nine? Fortnite? Something like that...
I hold Felix's wrist along with Greg's and I run towards the nursery room, where Tori was.
Both of them were very confused, but I explained while we were all running.

Arriving at the nursery, we look inside the room, Tori was resting. She had a red mark on her forehead. We called the nurse and she explained that the wound wasn't a big deal, with a week and a couple of days it would disappear. Still, I'm worried. How did she fall down that hard? Why Jessica and William were laughing while watching Mrs. Patty worried about Tori?
The nurse entered the room to check on Tori. A few moments later she calls us.
"Felix Joseph, Greg Caulfield and Sara Wilbern, please come in."

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